No power wires


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Apr 18, 2013
Auckland, New Zealand
Hey all. So I was going to install a head deck in an E39A VR4 I had just brought. I pulled out the plastic surround & there was a spark because there were wires exposed. So now I have no power at all to the stereo, plus the open door light isn't working along with the dome light & clock. Have check the fuses under the drivers side dash but they are intact so yeah. Please help....
Had the same issue in my Evo a while back and its one of the 10 amp fuses in the footwell fusebox. Check them all again its one of them for sure.
I've checked all the fuses twice but they're all intact, but when I put a tester to the fuses some light up & some don't, but the ones that don't aren't blown. I was thinking one of the exposed wires for the stereo was the constant 12v & brushed the metal & shorted something out. Any ideas???

Post number 6 In the thread above. Replace the radio and room /clock fuses and see what happens?