North Side Meet/Cruise Ver. 2


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Blurring the line between 1st to 3rd Gen engines..
Jun 14, 2006
okies the first meet was off the chain to say the least, or in Jamies case a little gassy! soo post some ideas for the next one and an idea when people are free for the next one....

some ideas:
where to meet?
where to go?
and most important where to eat!!!
whooooa!!! ollys keen for some speed! im in for that! i wanna see what that purple poutana can do :lol:
Night driving is fun, but only if it's NOT foggy as is what the weather seems to provide through the winter months, find some new roads also, Lake mountain is getting a bit overdone, this is meant to be a northside cruise, is there any good roads up your side of the city? Could meet at say, Albert park lake and cruise Chapel ST afterwards, Chadstone for Crispy Cream donuts then we could all go and see a good movie (pirates of the carribean is out soon) or pancake palour for: pancakes, steaks, fish, whatever else you may want!
Richard said:
Night driving is fun, but only if it's NOT foggy as is what the weather seems to provide through the winter months, find some new roads also, Lake mountain is getting a bit overdone, this is meant to be a northside cruise, is there any good roads up your side of the city? Could meet at say, Albert park lake and cruise Chapel ST afterwards, Chadstone for Crispy Cream donuts then we could all go and see a good movie (pirates of the carribean is out soon) or pancake palour for: pancakes, steaks, fish, whatever else you may want!

Someone doesn't want to drive there car home :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
ahahah yer chapel street run, by the end of the street we will all have a yellow sticker on our windscrenes lol!
maybe a full meet at night, well who ever can come? for the north side guys a drive to kk's, for the south-east guys just meet us there.... what you all think?
Um when was the last time any of you guys drove down Chapel ST, I do all the time, there is never any problem, never any cops that are defecting ppl they do do this I kno but if your car can be defected you should do a better job of hiding mods