E III Recaro Pilot
Today i cleaned my engine bay.
The only things i removed were the
-inlet pipe with aircan and filter
-2 earth terminals rear firewall passenger side.
-Wiper motor.
After sparaying some Armorall and WD40 i conencted everything back up.
I started the car and its only running on 3 cylinders and the check engine light comes on and stays on.The car idles fine at around 900-1000 rpm and even revs up ok,just runs a cylinder short,the whole time
I checked the airflow meter plug,hoses clamps all the terminals and switches.
all looks ok.Even disconnected and reconnected plugs..at both ends
I dont think its a vacuum leak,because the car idles fine and the check engine light comes on.
Electrical prob?
Could i have damaged the airflow meter?
How do i check computer codes?and or airflow meter?
Today i cleaned my engine bay.
The only things i removed were the
-inlet pipe with aircan and filter
-2 earth terminals rear firewall passenger side.
-Wiper motor.
After sparaying some Armorall and WD40 i conencted everything back up.
I started the car and its only running on 3 cylinders and the check engine light comes on and stays on.The car idles fine at around 900-1000 rpm and even revs up ok,just runs a cylinder short,the whole time
I checked the airflow meter plug,hoses clamps all the terminals and switches.
all looks ok.Even disconnected and reconnected plugs..at both ends
I dont think its a vacuum leak,because the car idles fine and the check engine light comes on.
Electrical prob?
Could i have damaged the airflow meter?
How do i check computer codes?and or airflow meter?