Why though. Oh I know why. I got onto the fwy at elgar rd Friday night, some Kia was in front of me doing 40km down the on ramp and by the bottom he was on 70. It's dangerous as trying to merge to overtake because people next to u are doing the speed limit 30ks more, so trying to watch them come so u can merge and at the same time have to constantly watch that the douche doing 70 isn't gonna slam On his breaks when he gets to 75. Much more dangerous than going 110 in flowing traffic I think
its cause the eastern still doesn't have camera's, and a few idiots were doing 200kph+ back in the day....
from memory what set it off was a "L" learner doing 200clicks in a 300zx while daddy was sleeping in the passenger seat a few years back..
from driving a completely modded car from my first year of P-plates till now, if your not being a dick on the roads.... chances are you wont get pulled over (probably tailed for a good hundred meters so they can check your driving history and thats about it...)
I'm on the road all day every day from east to west and I'm pretty sure it is the only road without fixed revenue cameras. Ring rd, west gate and even eastlink has em, but never noticed eastern having them. Now with Victoria missing out on federal budget hand outs, gotta make money somehow.
Public Order Response unit. The ******s (yes if you're a cop and are reading this you are a ******) dress like a SWAT team member without the rifles and balaclavas! Real wanna be!
They were blitzing tonight big time! EPA, sheriff, booze/drug buses, rego check set up on stud rd in dandenong, princes hwy near the pavillion in dandy and further up the hwy before ferntree gully rd.
Melbourne is possibly the worst place in the world to own a modified vehicle. Even if you car is Road Worthy and you know it is, They will find something.. I got done a few months back, 1 section of exhaust had dropped and was a few mm below the 100mm requirement (ok that was a fair call). But one of the reverse lights was on the fritz (hit the light, came on, globe was on its way). And they were not sure on my wheels, level with front guards. So they gave me a major for these items. They spent a good 15minutes looking under the bonnett and came back with nothing, so, there way of not knowing was to ensure I had to go get a rwc. I just got the exhaust fixed up (Clears everywhere under the car) and replaced the globe. Passed rwc . The boys in blue do a good job.. But they are being pushed into pinging the wrong people and not getting criminals out of the public. shame really, police being the politicians puppets and all. Cant do real police work.