Power steering belt question


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Jan 2, 2016
Bristol UK
Acquired at Sports Gear x2 2.4 turbo model the power steering belt keeps coming off but not breaking. Is this a bad tensioner? if so where in the UK can I get parts if needed I am in the South West of England?

What are this RVR's like for remapping I have a standard single turbo model petrol.

Any manuals or info you can give a new owner would be great thanks!

I think the x2 is the one after our model Benny, 1998, with the "divorced" headlights.
The 2.4 is the 4g64, although I could be wrong it runs GDI (direct injection) but no turbo as far as my memory goes.
As jack said, check alignment before worrying about tension.
Correct guys it's the 2.4 GDI version had a few new years/christmas drinks when I posted that before :)

Pretty happy with it but do they mod well best place for after market parts in the UK or do I need to buy things abroad?
Thank you for the info guys what oil and spark plugs would you recommend? I've found plenty of manuals online but none give recommended service bits I've found an air filter etc. Can you change the time in these or is it done via the GPS? I've worked out most of the media system but I need a range/radio extender the get the frequency band here in the UK. Sorry didn't realize this was a forum for Aussie owners :D was told on the UK mitsubishi forums this was a good place for info and parts!