Product review: GTpumps E3 manifold


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BobWrinkle said:
sure the gasket wasn't backwards :p

I can't believe somebody would actually post a picture of a gasket on back to front and complain about it.
Are you guys for real :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The way GSRSOL trys to fit it :shock:

The way Mitsubishi and the rest of the world fit the gasket :D
the gasket looks right...
just flip it 180 degree's horizontally...

as for the arp studs, remove them all and put them in the other way with the allen key holes going in

to tighten them, u use 2 nuts, tighten them towards one another, and then tighten up the outer nut, once the studs are in, remove the nuts but turning them away from one another and then remove the nuts individually

therefor u dont get that 'no thread bit' on the outer..
mrb1 said:
BobWrinkle said:
sure the gasket wasn't backwards :p

I can't believe somebody would actually post a picture of a gasket on back to front and complain about it.
Are you guys for real :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The way GSRSOL trys to fit it :shock:

Cumon man give him a break!

We all learn from our mistakes :lol: .... :p
Also mrb1...can you put your location in your location field on your profile please?


Admin/Mod team.
mrb1 said:
BobWrinkle said:
sure the gasket wasn't backwards :p

I can't believe somebody would actually post a picture of a gasket on back to front and complain about it.
Are you guys for real :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The way GSRSOL trys to fit it :shock:

The way Mitsubishi and the rest of the world fit the gasket :D

Dan's learning abit about the motor etc.. So give him a break!

But still that leaves the questions.. does this manifold actually fit? It looks the good when i saw it and i was really interested in it.. But does it actually 'bolt on'? no modifications what so ever?

Did Dan happen to get a dud manifold by any chance? what are the warranties on these like?

I know you also signed up as GTPUMPS on the site and i expect to see a reply under that name.

Thanks in advance for your time and answering these questions of the product you sell!

I have done that too :p

I got all stressed when i was replacing a manifold gasket that they had given me the wrong one :p
ooops :oops: i didnt even try flipping it round the other way..... bwahahahaha :lol:

my bad. But Mark, even if i do flip the gasket around the RIGHT way, the runner ports and the gasket still do not line up properly. Not a good fit at all.

AND, seeing it states everywhere that these manifold are a DIRECT fit onto a VR4 or EVO123 I can definitely say this is not the case. (MAtress can verify that)

AND, the angle at which the runners depart from the flange, especially on top, mean that theres close to no room to get a socket/wrench into to tighten the bolts. (which u need to tighten those stainless manifold bolts i have.)

And yes, this is the first time ive stripped an engine down, so as Jon said, give me a break. IMO this manifold stills need some R&D work to get it up to scratch. Or as JSTYLE has asked, did i just get a dud? :?
GSRSOL said:
ooops :oops: i didnt even try flipping it round the other way..... bwahahahaha :lol:
Ok fair enough. If you are going to publicly shaft a product get your facts right.

AND, seeing it states everywhere that these manifold are a DIRECT fit onto a VR4 or EVO123 I can definitely say this is not the case. (MAtress can verify that)
Answer from baz below. I state this is an EVO3 style manifold. I have never seen a post about how f**ked up an EVO3 manifold is. Gee I guess people just spend 15 mins with a die grinder and make it fit a VR4.
bazeng said:
thats the same with the evo manifold going to a vr4, u still have to grind stuff out

And yes, this is the first time ive stripped an engine down, so as Jon said, give me a break. IMO this manifold stills need some R&D work to get it up to scratch. Or as JSTYLE has asked, did i just get a dud? :?

Ok how about giving me a break and stop describing how f**ked this product is to the whole world when you can't even put a gasket on the correct way.
Not one email from you or a phone call asking for advice, just this post?

I have sold heaps of these manifolds with no complaints. However I am happy to put a note regarding VR4 fitment issues for the uninformed.

This manifold fits with the stock studs.
A word of advice when you start modifing a car from standard you have to verifiy all the parts YOU buy will work together, that's the way it is.

This could have just as easily been a post on saying how f**ked up ARP are for making their studs too short. Well buy longer ones!

If Team4G wants the support of vendors this is not the way to go about it :(
gtpumps said:
GSRSOL said:
ooops :oops: i didnt even try flipping it round the other way..... bwahahahaha :lol:
Ok fair enough. If you are going to publicly shaft a product get your facts right.

AND, seeing it states everywhere that these manifold are a DIRECT fit onto a VR4 or EVO123 I can definitely say this is not the case. (MAtress can verify that)
Answer from baz below. I state this is an EVO3 style manifold. I have never seen a post about how f**ked up an EVO3 manifold is. Gee I guess people just spend 15 mins with a die grinder and make it fit a VR4.
bazeng said:
thats the same with the evo manifold going to a vr4, u still have to grind stuff out

And yes, this is the first time ive stripped an engine down, so as Jon said, give me a break. IMO this manifold stills need some R&D work to get it up to scratch. Or as JSTYLE has asked, did i just get a dud? :?

Ok how about giving me a break and stop describing how f**ked this product is to the whole world when you can't even put a gasket on the correct way.
Not one email from you or a phone call asking for advice, just this post?

I have sold heaps of these manifolds with no complaints. However I am happy to put a note regarding VR4 fitment issues for the uninformed.

This manifold fits with the stock studs.
A word of advice when you start modifing a car from standard you have to verifiy all the parts YOU buy will work together, that's the way it is.

This could have just as easily been a post on saying how f**ked up ARP are for making their studs too short. Well buy longer ones!

If Team4G wants the support of vendors this is not the way to go about it :(

Thats not the most professional manner in which to speak to customers and possible for future customers.

As taken from your website:

Enhanced EVO3 style exhaust manifold. Bolt on upgrade to VR4 and Lancer EVO1-3. This superb cast manifold features bigger volume runners, bigger turbo outlet and thicker manifold flange with enough metal to allow even extra porting.

I do see a valued point in what Dan has said and yes do see a valued point in you suggesting that he should of called. But in the end of the day people will speak what they feel is necessary.

I just hope that you fix up the error on your site about it being a 'bolt on' and possibly pm Dan to actually sort this matter out off the publice viewing site.

my bad. But Mark, even if i do flip the gasket around the RIGHT way, the runner ports and the gasket still do not line up properly. Not a good fit at all.

gotta keep in mind that as long as the ports on the exhaust manifold are not smaller than the ports in the head when they line up then it wont be an issue

casting is a very inaccurate process.. u will never get 2 exactly the same..
holes will be bigger / smaller etc etc...

but in this case, im sure the holes would be bigger, therefor its a good thing
even if its not the same..

we all learn from our mistakes!..
first time is always the hardest.... but i agree with gtpumps with this one..
sorry dan, if u need help gimme a call, i check it out for you...
ill show you how to do the stud install even..

anyways good luck mate!!..

btw, when u start doing the work yourself, u'll get into all kinds of problems like this.. u learn from your mistakes but just keep asking ppl who have done it before.. it'll make it alot easier!!..

as for business ethics, the customer is always right =).....
im sure with a bit of communication over the phone and advice on how to install it from gtpumps, both parties will come out satisfied...
JSTYLE said:
Thats not the most professional manner in which to speak to customers and possible for future customers.

GSRSOL said:
i dont think it was ever not ******
A Team4g moderators professional manner?

I welcome any helpful feedback (apart from f**ked). I will make a note on the web site about VR4 fitment.
I go to a lot of trouble to get the best products I can for the Mitsubishi communty.
I enjoy the cars and the people :D

Thanks Mark from GT PUMPS for clearing this up!

As for professional manner I dont think we went to uni to learn how to moderate :p , but perhaps a little judgement in words went down the drain as frustration kicked in?

I am sure I am guilty somewhere in my many post on the forum, as no-one is perfect

It does happen and I am sure Dan is sorry for the outburst and i hope he PMs you/calls you(or posts) for a little customer feedback/tech advice and he gets his manifold on! :)

As for the changing of the product description that would be great as I am interested in this manifold too as i am building my 2.3 stroker and i need a nice stock looking manifold.( for now anyway...)

Welcome to the tops and turvey world of Team4G :lol:

Welcome to GT PUMPS!
Maybe make a introduction post in the into section Mark?

Just wanted to add my support for Mark. I've been a customer and even supplied him some parts. Very professional and very helpful.

I think we've all been guilty of lashing out in frustration at some point, so perhaps from now on we should maybe write out the post on a note pad, then leave it for an hour or so, then read it again before posting. Perhaps then some things won't get written at all.


gtpumps said:
I state this is an EVO3 style manifold. I have never seen a post about how f**ked up an EVO3 manifold is. Gee I guess people just spend 15 mins with a die grinder and make it fit a VR4.

yes you do, but you also say:

Enhanced EVO3 style exhaust manifold. Bolt on upgrade to VR4 and Lancer EVO1-3. This superb cast manifold features bigger volume runners, bigger turbo outlet and thicker manifold flange with enough metal to allow even extra porting.

Bolt on upgrade in my book assumes that NO MODIFICATION is required to fit it.

gtpumps said:
However I am happy to put a note regarding VR4 fitment issues for the uninformed.

All it comes down to is this product is advertised as a direct fitment to a VR4 motor. If i was uniformed, it was by your website, so yes i think changing that may be helpful for down the track.

As for my professional manner on this forum, The ball swings both ways. everyone should be picked up on their language around here not just me.

Yes, im an idiot, im stupid whatever you want to call me for not having the gasket around the right way.
On a final note, I am quite happy to apologize for the initial outburst on this product, and for my language. I will change the original post as i see fit.

Have some of you poeple completly lost your minds!
the manifold is an evo 3 copy.
It fits evo 3.
And how could you even think we endorse and promote a product that does not fitt.
Even at the highest standard of quality and workmanship that we meet.
I fitted the first one in Australia months ago on a vr4 and told Mark
guys in melbourne will CRY.
Guess what it embarreses me we have such enthusiasts into our cars.
I offered to write a simple fitting instrutions guide for all 4 different models it fitts.Mark not knowing some of you too well said dont worry poeple should be able to work it out.
If you can use a grinder or you think its wrong to use one to make your car go fast Go back to collecting stamps.
I dont even charge personally extra labour to fitt them to vr4,s.

So its ok for some of you to hack out speaker holes in doors and parcel shelves to weaken chassis streghthening.
Destroy factory wiring looms.
Remove abs because the fuse was blown and the dealer couldnot work it out for you.
Paint brake calipers red and get paint all over the hubs and wheels.
Fitt silicon wiper blades so the pivots fail.
And white bright headlights so no one else can see.
Fitt dodgy wheel nuts that strip the threads because they were cheap.
Hack the AFM so intake temps reach 80+ deg in traffic.
Cut spings and lower the car so it wont handle and the shocks blow out so your 17 inch wheels look right in the wheel arches.
Weld the dump pipe to the turbo because the gasket blew out because somone lost the factory bolts and washers.

But not ok when someone sells you an aftermarket manifold and for a dam good price.

Go pay $50 for the genuine gasket weve stocked them for years.
or $550 +gst to mitsubishi for the genuine manifold.

Which should have been subsidised because it cracked after a year.
then complain when you still have to grind it to fit the engine lift bracket.
Oh sorry DIY cars you guys throw them out.

Why dont you complain to mitsubishi about some more serious issues with our drivline seizures from transfer yokes.
Instead of shitting in your own backyard.
Just to help prove the manifold is angled correctly fellas. I made a jig on
a bench at work using a Mitsu Evo 3 exh mani because I was going to
make my own tube mani. Anyway I also purchased one of Mark's Evo 3
copy manis because I thought it is the right price & it saves me making
the tube mani. I took the Mark copy mani to work just to see if it matches
The angle the turbo sits at is spot on. The 4 bolts to hold the turbo misses
by 3mm compared to the Mitsu one. In other words, the turbo, heat shield
dump & all lines will fit. If a real Evo 3 mani needs a bit of grinding to fit
a vr4, then Mark's mani needs a bit of grinding too. How come people
don't complain about a Mitsu Evo 3 mani not being a direct fit ?
I suggest when ordering an Evo copy exh mani, you specify if it is going
on an Evo head or a vr4 head. I'm sure Mark can grind a bit off to make
it fit a vr4 head if you state it is for a vr4 head.
And also for the other gear that you brought into the country !
Chris maybe you should read the thread. And then read what you have just written. I see professionalism is your strong point :p

just for the record, read my mod list, and you will see that none of this ******** has anything to do with it: In fact, I actually find it quite offensive.

Meek Automotive said:
So its ok for some of you to hack out speaker holes in doors and parcel shelves to weaken chassis streghthening.
Destroy factory wiring looms.
Remove abs because the fuse was blown and the dealer couldnot work it out for you.
Paint brake calipers red and get paint all over the hubs and wheels.
Fitt silicon wiper blades so the pivots fail.
And white bright headlights so no one else can see.
Fitt dodgy wheel nuts that strip the threads because they were cheap.
Hack the AFM so intake temps reach 80+ deg in traffic.
Cut spings and lower the car so it wont handle and the shocks blow out so your 17 inch wheels look right in the wheel arches.
Weld the dump pipe to the turbo because the gasket blew out because somone lost the factory bolts and washers.

If you knew me personally you would know i dont cut corners and am very particular when it comes to my car, and everything for that matter. Im having a go at building this engine because I have a genuine interest in doing so, not because I want to save cash.
The simple fact remains that all of these manifolds will require grinding to fit a vr4. You can't deny this in any way, shape or form. This is simply because e1,2,3 manifolds also require grinding to suit vr4's (I should know, I run one).

Mounting the turbo in the vr4 to this manifold will require a fair bit of effort too. They fit, they're just an absolute prick to get on.
May i suggest deleting this whole topic and adding a new post undere technical with all the relevant details.

I feel it is unhelpful to t4g to have this, as now even meek is getting in on it.

Question was raised. Supplier answered it. Job done. Lock thread or delete it. I don't see that anything else constructive can come of this thread in its current form.

My 2 cents

*Mod edit 3zercrowd* 4:44 PM 16/4/06

We do NOT delete threads ever at T4G, we either lock or move threads/posts to the moderators section or old threads central.


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