Proposed new RTA VSCCS Compliance Scheme 2011 - Must Read!!!


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Jun 17, 2005
Consultation on the draft regulations will occur until Friday 27th January 2011.
The RTA will consider all public submissions and amend the regulations as appropriate. Once this has occurred the regulations will be finalised and the VSCCS commenced.
It is intended to commence the VSCCS on 28 February 2011.

The RTA values community feedback and encourages written submissions on the proposed regulatory framework and the draft regulations.
It is the RTA’s intention to create a strong and clear regulatory scheme that ensures the safety of certified vehicles in NSW, provides a level playing field for all licensed certifiers, and is practicable to implement. Your input to this framework is important to ensure that these goals are achieved.
Feedback on all issues is sought, but particularly on the boxed questions throughout the document.
Written submissions can be provided to the RTA by e-mail at [email protected].


If you would like to provide feedback about the proposed changes prior to 28th February:
Have a read of this:
Download this Word document:
Fill in the top section of the word document only. The bottom doesnt really concern us.
Then email your word document to: [email protected]

This will change the existing RTA Engineering Certification Scheme to a much more complex and difficult scheme to get car modifications certified in NSW.

A quick guide to the new proposed Regulation:
If you want to sh!t a preverbial brick then read the proposed amendments:

At this stage its proposed for NSW only during 2011 sometime.
Public feedback is currently sought on the RTA Website:
Public comment closes end February.

Something else to note:
By the time the VSCCS commences, it is expected that the RTA will have also adopted the National Code of Practice for the Construction and Modification of Light Vehicles (published as Vehicle Standards Bulletin Number 14).
There are a small number of aspects of the two national modification codes (VSB 6 and VSB 14) that NSW does not accept, and these will be clearly identified. NSW also has a number of additional requirements in relation to the modification of these types of vehicles, that will also be clearly identified.
In order to support the introduction of the VSCCS, and to generally improve community understanding of vehicle standards, the RTA will create a clear statement on its website of the documents that are called up under the Regulation.

Vehicle owners with Pre 2011 Engineer certificates but havent submitted them to the RTA yet for registration purposes
With the commencement of the VSCCS, it is intended that the only compliance certificates that will be accepted by the RTA in future are those issued from VSCCS Online. However, the RTA does not wish to disadvantage persons who may have obtained a certificate under the ECS in the past but forgotten to present it to the RTA and change their vehicle records.
The Regulation therefore provides such people with six months following its commencement in which to provide a copy of the certificate to the RTA. The way that this is done is by the registered operator of the vehicle obtaining a “Change of Vehicle Details” form and a blue slip from an Authorised Unregistered Vehicle Inspection Station, and presenting both documents, along with the compliance certificate, to the RTA at a Motor Registry.
From six months after the commencement of the Regulation, old ECS certificates will no longer be accepted by the RTA and vehicle owners will need to obtain a new compliance certificate under the VSCCS.
Clause 76AU of the draft Regulation provides the transitional arrangements for certificates previously issued under the ECS.
Has anybody read this stupid clause about record keeping for a modified vehicle that requires an engineer certificate (basically most of the cars you modify will fall into this category)??
look at part 58 b!! Its definitely going to cop the most backlash from the public lol!

A person who significantly modifies (within the meaning of Part
5B) a registered vehicle must:
( a ) ensure that the modification complies with any
requirements specified by the Authority by order
published in the Gazette that are applicable to the
modification concerned, and
( b ) for the period of 3 years following the modification, keep
any records made or obtained by the person in relation to
the modification, including but not limited to the
(i) receipts or other proof of purchase of parts or
accessories used in the modification of the vehicle,
(ii) records of test methods, and the results of tests, used
to determine whether the modified vehicle complies
with any applicable vehicle standards, and
(c) produce any such record for a modification made in the
preceding 3 years for inspection by the Authority or an
authorised person when required so to do by the Authority
or an authorised person.
Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units.
I did read that ****, however I thought this was already the case in regards to documentation. You keep all info for your income tax for 5 years. Yep its classic ********. But if you were to write a submission claiming its bull ****, they will simply sight this example then come to the great conclusion you should keep all documentation for 5 or 10 years.
I must admit that from a modifiers point of view, after reading the majority of the new VSB14 Code of Practice for LVM released January 2011, I am more than impressed with this new verion over the old one. The wording has changed considerably, the layout and structure is much more easier to follow and the checklists at the back of each section are a damn great addition to assist the vehicle modifer and the certifier during the certification process.

The best thing about it is that, from a certifier's point of view (not saying 'engineer' anymore), if a vehicle owner turns up to a certifer's doorstep with a modified car and no support documentation, the certifier can ask the owner to refer to VSB14, read each section according to the mods performed, then honestly answer the checklists at the back of each section. If the owner answered 'No' to any of the questions in the checklists, then the modification cannot be certified under that particular section and they will need to consult with the certifier for inspection. IMO about 90% of mods can be home and hosed with backup evidence before submitting them for inspection and certification.

This is good for a few reasons... it encourages people to learn about and become familiar with the contents of VSB14, it aides owners at a ground roots level in determining whether their modifications are compliant and it ultimately saves 'you' money and the 'certifier' his valuable time. There is no reason not to work through each section of VSB14 now and do the background work yourself to prove that the modifications meet requirements. Sure you're going to have to check your mods, do some homework and gather ADR compliance information for some of your mods, but thats a very intuitive and intelligent thing to do. Once satisfied that you've met and can prove compliance to each section, take your car to a certifier for inspection If you've hit a grey area and need further advise, consult the certifier.

Also, just to prove that people arent just sitting on their arses and bitching about the new VSCCS , I was invited to a meeting held yesterday by the Australian Confederation of Motor Clubs (ACMC) to discuss our overall perceptions of the proposed VSCCS and revamped VSB 14 Code of Practice for LVM released January 2011.
We were requested by RTA Compliance to provide feedback to the proposed VSCCS and how the changes will effect the 'end user' from a certification point of view in regard to cost, hardship to carry out tests and the overall general consensus from the industry/community. When you put a bunch of professional guys like this together you have a very strong focus group that carries some weight politically and with the authorities I cannot disclose what is discussed nor whom the representatives are at the meeting/s, however have faith in knowing that they are people not unlike you and I whom are passionate about the scene and challenge the rules to make them fair for everybody.
As i'm currently looking into the processes of getting my car 100% legal for road use, i have no issues with neither the current/prior "engineering system", nor the substituting "certifying scheme." Rules are rules and they are there for a reason.

My gripe is the way police are able to enforce defects. No matter how legal your car is, there's no guarantees you won't be defected. The way i see it, if the officer has any doubt, or just feeling the need to use his powers, he can issue a defect notice at any time. Not because it is a defect, but to make you prove it isn't.
As i'm currently looking into the processes of getting my car 100% legal for road use, i have no issues with neither the current/prior "engineering system", nor the substituting "certifying scheme." Rules are rules and they are there for a reason.

My gripe is the way police are able to enforce defects. No matter how legal your car is, there's no guarantees you won't be defected. The way i see it, if the officer has any doubt, or just feeling the need to use his powers, he can issue a defect notice at any time. Not because it is a defect, but to make you prove it isn't.
i just had this covo today about the police and defects i think they need a book that explanes what a detectable thing is for eg: my mate just got a epa notice for a car running stock everythink but blow off valve and the bov was plumbed back and he still go booked even know its stock apart from the bov wtf????? it bs!
i know this it a bit old but hey i think it needs to be said
I think it shouldnt matter if a BOV has the capability to vent into the atmosphere or not. IMO you should be judged at the time you are pulled over and whether you are doing the right or wrong thing.
We dont get defected for having an accelerator pedal do we? Just because we have the 'capability' to push on the pedal and speed, doesnt mean that we would.
Same goes for drug paraphernalia. In some some states they are illegal and in others they are OK. Does it mean if you have a nice looking ceramic ornament on the bookshelf that you got for your 21st birthday (aka can be used as a bong), that you should be convicted for being in possession of it and labelled a pot smoker?
We're becoming a bland nanna country. I cant wait til the baby boomers retire and hand the reigns over to Gen X who have a lot more sense than sensability!! :)