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Nov 29, 2005
Hmmmm i got caught doing 40k over speed limit from a stationary cop car, basically lost my licence for 6 months and big fine. Any way i can fight it or just cop it on the chin?
chin sounds good mate..

however, was it a radar or the speed camera thing, coz apparently, if its radar they have to chase you in order to give you a fine....
mvr420 said:
Hmmmm i got caught doing 40k over speed limit from a stationary cop car, basically lost my licence for 6 months and big fine. Any way i can fight it or just cop it on the chin?

radar gun? why didnt they impound ur car under the hoon laws? if it wasnt a radar.. take it to court..

he said 1 more k and car would of been taken off me. he didnt check over car or anything. If i go to court isnt there more risk of more servere penalty???

Still hasnt sunk in, but being with out licence for 6 months will kill me, and over summer!!
mvr420 said:
he said 1 more k and car would of been taken off me. he didnt check over car or anything. If i go to court isnt there more risk of more servere penalty???

Still hasnt sunk in, but being with out licence for 6 months will kill me, and over summer!!

Damn fast cars, you raise a good point, summer and no licence. Best keep my wits about me. Good luck with whatever path you take.
You might own a fast car, but how do you get caught doing 40kph over the limit!!!

thast just silly!!!
What is your driving record like, if you have never been caught for anything before court could get you a better deal but if you have a prior record of fines etc the judge will see this and tell you to fuck off, if you are worried about Summer, send the letter back on the last day of the 28 days then by the time they get the letter, process it and set a court date Summer will be over and if you get fucked over by the Judge you will loose your licence next year (maybe)
Hmm ... Well since the hoon laws things have kind of changed...

I got done for 45k and over a while ago in Sydney .. Was 6am, on the freeway, Sunday, Dry conditions, and was on my bike ... (so no lectures please, I know it was wrong) ....

Anyway, my driving record is not really the best ... But, I tend to cop some sort of fine every 3-5 years ... Anyway, took the matter to court, and got the 6 month suspension turned down to 2 months, and I enlisted myself in a Traffic Offenders program (8 week course) while I waited for the hearing.

I was advised by 1 solicitor to not go to court, cause the judge could have been more harsh, but the solicitor I ended up going with thought I had a pretty good chance.... Since that time, I actually know a "traffic specialist" solicitor, that said he could have got me off scott free...
was the cop not moving daniel???

i thought he was coming the other way....

he can only dick u if he has radared u... coz it seems sus u were 1km off 45 like common...

your driving record is good i reckon u should get legal help and go from there when i was speeding they didnt have radar so i asked for there radar shot and they told me they did have one it was just a "warning" lol

You broke the law, you know the consequences... if it was 5k's over and seemed like the cop was trying to raise some revenue then I'd be on the fighting it side.. in this case.. do the crime, do the time.
Speeding fines

40 k's over the limit good luck. Oct edition of Fast Fours (BCNYA edition)has a section in it about trying to beat a speeding fine they talk to a traffic specialist.

Other than that I have had a perfect driving record until the last 3 months now I have three fines and all just over the speeding limit. The good history served for nothing so I reckon it comes down to on the day how the person or judge is feeling.

So whatever your choice good luck, with me they said if I had not had a fine in the last 2 years and you fill in a form they will consider the outcome for you. At the end of the day you where breaking the law whether it is 2 k's over like mine or 40 k's makes no diff, Hand over that revenue baby! :cry:

thanks for all your advise... but i think i might bend over and just cop it. Take one for the team. I just dont know how this is gonna affect my relationship with my car. i hope she stays loyal over summer and doesnt leave me for someone with a licence!
Thanks guys and gals!
some sorta thing happened with me, i had a clean record till now.... he pushed me to go faster, read happy mothers day for more detail, though i ended up doing 40km over, i tried everything complaints and court ect. nothing worked, i had to take my fine and 9months.... by the way.... you will end up getting the choice of either 1 year on one point or 3 extra months without your license to get all your points back, thats wat im doing, i aint risking a year on one point. no way.

and i didnt get my car taken off me either....