QUICK HELP!!! gearbox noises....


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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
Melbourne S.E Suburbs
hey guys just need a quick opinion, my mate just took my EVO III for a spin, swears he drove it normally but has come back making funny noises in 2nd gear. as soon as u click it in u can feel through the gear knob somethings not right and when u pull the clutch out it makes this horrible clunking noise, kinda like some basketball cards stuck in the spoke of your BMX X10!! now the noise sounds external so we are gonna inspect the linkages but just wondering if anyone knows what it is or could give an educated guess what it is u might just save me some time under the car tonight when i should be drinking! thanks in advance.

sounds like my old skyline, thrust bearing it was on mine... but yeah u said it was doing thing weird in 2nd gear... thats strange... your mate took ya car for a spin but said he never drove it hard LOLz, not even i would believe that...

what alse have u noticed with the gear box? is that noise always their when u come off the clutch... or only with u first come off it...
you break you buy - NEW PARTS to fix it is what I would be telling your mate! and you are game letting your mate drive your car alone anyway, I would always sit passenger seat - mate or not!
checked linkages, even checked all the way to the gear shifter, had a look around nothing else seems to be outta place, im starting to get scared it may be the 2nd gear cog or maybe a bearing or something....