Random idea - 4B11 VR4


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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2013
Don't exactly know why, but the idea of a 4B11 in a VR4 just popped into my head. With the engine sitting the same direction as late evo 4Gs but with the turbo at the back, in a VR4 it would be the rigtht way around. I don't know if it's a good idea, just an idea.
10g might get you a used motor if u can find one.you need the whole front cut.find one from Japan and import yourself heaps cheaper and then you get everything you need
LumpyVR4 said:
With the engine sitting the same direction as late evo 4Gs but with the turbo at the back, in a VR4 it would be the rigtht way around. I don't know if it's a good idea, just an idea.
The Nissan dualis has the same set up, exhaust headers are against the firewall, there are probably others that have a similar setup. You might end up having more room for the turbo, I'm not sure of the exact setup though, but oil

changes will be piss easy :thumbsup:

Might be just as easy to engineer it the right way round and have a 6 speed to go with it.
The factory computer wiring would be a massive headache, because I have an ASX and the throttle is drive by wire, some inputs from the speedo I think go through a CAN system which is a network cable, but I could be wrong
Can bus system is a pain in the absolute ass! good when working, $$$$$$ when not (euro cars are much worse though)

I can also confirm you have a S*#T load more space when the turbos mounted near the fire wall :)