rear diff fill bolt


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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2007

im trying to undo the rear diff fill bolt 2 change the oil.

anyone got any easy was of getting it off.

i tryed with a open ended spanner and it just slips off and rounds the edges of the bolt.

i got my hands on a closed end but on 2 of the edges its quite round and slips off.

any ideas?

thanks guys
what sort of bolt is it? why don't you use a ring spanner?

jack the car up so you have some clearance between the diff and the ground, and put a breaker bar on the end of the spanner and crack it open
i hav a ring spanner (closed) im talkin it up the road 2moz, theres a guy i know who has a car hoist so im going 2 try the ring spanner with a pipe and some vice grips if that doesnt work.
are you trying to undo the right bolt?

its the one at the bottom of the diff. and the filler is the one on the back!

you should beable to get a socket/ratchet/breaker bar on it.. should b simple to do.

yeah u would think.

drain plug came undone easy.

i would of thought the fill plug wouldnt b so hard. i was wrong.

i cant get any of my sockets in there coz there to long, i hav some from my gf's old man set. i'll try them 2moz

i hav also used half a can of wd40 and hit it with the a hammer to try n break it up and used a oxytorch not straight after the wd40 but to try n heat up the socket so it would expand.

but none worked.
yeh as peole have said ive just used a ring spanner on it, and held it on the back of the nut to ensure it doesnt slip off. may need to remove the diff to get a socket on it..
yeah thats what i was thinking of doin, i looked for the bolts that holds the diff in place found 3 and was like nah there has to be more. found 2 more further up and was like this is goin 2 b a pain in the a$&.

not worth it.
its not a long job ive done it in less than an hour, just pull out the drive shafts & lower lateral arms out. then the rear subframe (4 bolts) and before that undo the two bolts that conect the rear diff mount to the subframe once thats out undo the two big nuts that hold in the main diff member to the chassis, and its out... easy :)
It has a left hand thread! didnt you kno?!

just kidding, once you have it on a hoist hold the ring spanner in place and give the spanner a swift hard hit with a decent hammer and it should come undone.
got some good big vice grips, but they keep on slipping off.

mits parts have to order them in $7.50 for a dam bolt.
i took the car to a local mechanic and he put it on a hoist got the right sized shifter (15/16) used a small hammer tapped it on to it was on 100% and hit the end of the spanner with his wrist and it came off.

i was like no way i so made that loose.

slab of beer and it was done, sweet.

get new bolt from mits on tuesday

thanks for ur help guys