Rear Diff (Viscous LSD or not)


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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2005
Ballarat, Victoria
Hey guys,

Have a rear diff lying around here with "9A31" printed on it.

Any way of telling if it's a viscous LSD?

Spinning the input shaft is pointless, because it won't lock up until it's warm if it's viscous. It's -definately- not mechanical. Might just be an open one.
Pull one axle out & slide a long extension arm inside it. If it slides through
& doesn't hit a step, it is a viscous lsd.
If it has a step & the wheels spin oposing ways, it is a hollow.
If you hit a step & the wheels spin the same, it is a clutch lsd.
I can see straight through it. There's no axles connected. It's literally just a diff.

So in the centre of a hollow or clutch LSD, there's a step that stops a rod going straight through it?

because I can pretty much see straight through this diff with the hole for the axles being no different from end to end. (IE: there's nothing hanging down into the gap).

I need to have a closer look.
i believe if u can see right through, its an lsd

if u turn one axel/shaft.. the other will eventually turn the same way if u spin it fast enough

first time i did mine (ever) it rotated the other direction, after about 5 - 10 rotations, it spun the same way...

check the sticker, does it say viscous lsd?
If you can see thru the centre of the diff without any obstacles, you have an LSD diff.

Can you take a photo of the driveshaft spline (thru to the other side) and we will be able to tell you whether it's an LSD or not.