Redline, Motul or Syntrans?


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Mar 15, 2006
Perth, Western Australia
Hi All,

I will getting my gearbox back next week and I am thinking about which oil to put in.

Redline is good for fixing shift issues in older gearboxes, but since mine will be fully reconditioned will I need it?

I had normal Castrol Oil in it before and didnt have a problem with it, but was thinking to go something a little better since its all new.

Should I run a cheap oil for a run in phase?? like 1000km service? Dont want to use Redline or Motul to throw it away after 1000ks!

Anyone know the Oil weights and litreage that is needed in a GSR gearbox and Transfer??


olly said:
correct me if i'm wrong but i heard redline isn't good for our boxes?

Thats what ive heard too...actually its on a thread somewhere in gsr-evo-club forum :wink: Go searching!
I CBF! :p
Mimmo, first of all who is rebuilding your box and why aren't you asking them what they recommend? After all you are entrusting your money in them to rebuild your box, so maybe they should advise what oil THEY recommend.

Secondly, I have redline lightweight shockproof in my car and it's been in there for a while now, I've had zero problems with it in my car and I know of various workshops in Perth who use it, they also build rally cars and swear by the stuff.

I also know various Evo/GSR owners in Perth who regularly participate in motorsport events and use redline in their boxes, in fact, one particular owner used redline then swapped to motul after being advised to do so, but ended up changing back to redline as he didn't think the motul performed as well for his application.
Ive heard no bad things about redline lightweight shockproof either, and from memory it is also re-useable.
Thanks for the replies everyone.

titan said:
Mimmo, first of all who is rebuilding your box and why aren't you asking them what they recommend? After all you are entrusting your money in them to rebuild your box, so maybe they should advise what oil THEY recommend.

I haven't got the box back yet so I am yet to ask them, that was on my agenda though.

I was trying to find out which redline to use/people recommend, Lightweight, Shockproof, MTL etc.

Thats good to know about the Motul oil Titan.


I used Castrol Syntrax in my previous ride (Mazda 323 GTX 4WD) which I assume is Castrol Syntrans? This oil was a great compromise as it costed much less than the redline oils yet performed very well in my 323 which had done 280,000kms and was beginning to get very notchy and crunchy when cold in the mornings.

The Syntrax oil made a huge difference to my old clapped out box, incidentally that notchy box ended up giving up the ghost and I sourced a very low k import replacement gearbox which had some el cheapo oil in it, shifting felt nice but I thought I'd try Syntrax in the replacement box and it was even nicer to shift, it almost felt like new.

End of the day, any of those quality oils will do the trick. The only way to really find out what you like, and what works with your car is to invest in all of the oils and try them yourself, or alternatively ask some professionals who have tried everything, which was my first suggestion.

I personally think redline shockproof lightweight is great, it's great when it's icy cold first thing in the morning and it's even better when I've given the car some curry around a racetrack.

As previously stated, if you are able to filter the redline oil when it comes out of your box (in case of any metal shavings etc), you can re-use it in your gearbox again. I wouldn't recommend doing this more than once but I have heard guys doing this after having to change a driveshaft seal or gearbox seal and wanting to re-use the oil to save some money.
im using motul
very pricey

tried castrol
good also

personally.. i cant really tell the difference since the box is new
castrol VMX80 is the way to go, some rally people use redline shockproof in dogbox's etc. but its recomeded by ralliart mechanics that the castrol is the way to go, it gets used in the rally car and is really good.. and its not 100 for 2l like the redline.

my 2c
Castrol Syntrans and Syntrax are 2 different oils. I have run both in my evo 3 box , and it did not like the syntrans. Mind you, a couple of the syncros were a bit worn. I have been using redline lightweight in mine for awhile now ( new syncros ) and it shifts very nicely.
ive been using vmx80 for the pass 20k'ish only because i get it for free.

had new synchros put in and not im starting to get crunches in 2nd again.

might try mt90.
bindolla said:
ive been using vmx80 for the pass 20k'ish only because i get it for free.

had new synchros put in and not im starting to get crunches in 2nd again.

might try mt90.

you mean your now starting to or its still all good?
Hi All,

Well I spoke to the Gearbox guy today and he said it might be a good idea to run 'normal' gearbox oil for the first 1000-2000km as a run in phase.

He said there is always a certain amount of swarf and metal filings that come off the new parts that get picked up by the oil, hence the oil change at that interval.

Thats why the first new car service is at 1000-1300km to change all the fluids as they will pick up particles from manufacture.

After that he said I can use what I please, but recommended the Redline Lightweight Shockproof or the Castrol Syntrans, both good oils.

qiksilvr3 said:
Castrol Syntrans and Syntrax are 2 different oils. I have run both in my evo 3 box , and it did not like the syntrans. Mind you, a couple of the syncros were a bit worn. I have been using redline lightweight in mine for awhile now ( new syncros ) and it shifts very nicely.

The Syntrans is 75W/85 GL-4 and the Syntrax is 75W/90 GL-5. The Mitsubishi handbook says 75W/85 GL-4 for the gearbox and transfer.

I am still waiting on some bearings for the gearbox, apparently there are some 'not so common' bearings used in the center diff that need tracking down. They are very pitted which he believes is what may have caused all the whining associated with the GSR. Mind you my friends EVO I with ,70 000km still whines, just not as loud as my GSR did. Maybe you just can't hear it over his exhaust :wink:

There is a bearing kit available for the 'gearbox' and front diff but the center diff bearings are not included.

So I will have new 2nd and 5th Syncros and a full bearing replacement. It will be like new and I can't wait!

Rallyant said:
bindolla said:
ive been using vmx80 for the pass 20k'ish only because i get it for free.

had new synchros put in and not im starting to get crunches in 2nd again.

might try mt90.

you mean your now starting to or its still all good?

ive been using the vmx. its fine. it actually feels better then the redline lightweight that i was using back then - heaps cheaper too. the only advantage for the redline for me is the cold starts. ill give redline the benefit of the doubt and try again - but mt90 this time.