RESCHEDULED!!!!! Meet/Cruise: Sunday 14th Feb


Help Support 4GTuner:


Mar 29, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Date: Sunday 14th Feb
Time: 11am - Midday (leave)

Meet Point: Bayswater Repco

258 Canterbury RoadBayswater VIC 3153

Destination: Yarra Dam (warburton)

Upper Yarra Reservoir Park is located off Woods Point Road about 24 kilometres east of Warburton (Melway ref: 612 U2).

Upper Yarra Reservoir is the third largest of Melbourne's water storage reservoirs. It has a capacity of 200,000 megalitres (200,000,000,000 litres). The dam wall is 90 metres high, 610 metres long and was completed in 1957.
Upper Yarra Reservoir is filled by water from the surrounding forested catchment. It also receives water diverted by an underground connecting tunnel from the mighty Thomson Reservoir. Water from Upper Yarra then travels via open channel aqueducts and underground pipelines to Silvan Reservoir and from there to reservoirs all over Melbourne.

The catchment is protected so that the highest possible water quality and quantity is maintained. It is also home to a number of rare and significant plants and animals, including Victoria's faunal emblem - the Leadbeater's Possum.

What to bring:

- Fuel
- Missus
- Dogs (i think they are allowed in the park)
- Football / frissbee?
- Food (BBQ available) , we will be stopping at IGA however
- Friendly personality!


Meet/Cruise to thru some nice straight and also twisty roads to warburton where we will setup camp and have a bbq. Should be a nice socialising day and plenty of parklands/views to be taken in!

evopwr said:
should put this on

or is this t4g only?

feel free to put it up!

the more the merrier its just a day cruise, there are however some roads which we could take you know ;) its right near the reefton spur!

lol i am sure she will go... ok darling... we will spend the romantic pink flower petal valentines day doing cars and boy stuff :) someone could be lucky.

which reminds me its next weekend.... gota get something.
JSTYLE said:
damn i just remembered it clashes with Valentines day ? lolz


I was thinking that maybe you were single again.. lol

The last thing the missus would want is to be around cars on v-day
bazeng said:
I was thinking that maybe you were single again.. lol

The last thing the missus would want is to be around cars on v-day

LOL funny enuff u say that barry! I am single now :eek: hahaha

FK Vday its just another money making day :p id rather cruise and spend it with the boys!

JSTYLE said:
FK Vday its just another money making day :p id rather cruise and spend it with the boys!

haha easily said by the man without a missus currently :p

but i agree totally, it is a commercialised crock 'o *****. anniversaries mean more personally (if you could only remember them!)

wish I could come, but am busy again with cricket
hey im only recently single... look what single does.. makes u beable to afford an evo 9.. should try it :p

if its not women who take your money its the cars :p atleast u get enjoyment from cars hahaha

I'm married mate.

Too late for me.
More enjoyment from cars?!?! Wouldn't it hurt doing it to a car?!?! LOL
my Misses owns Lombardos FLowers in Mitcham so for all you guys that ditch your girlfriend for a cruise be sure to drop in and grab some flowers and a teddybear! ;) im deffinateltly out for this cruise coz ill be doing deliverys for her all day!
hahaha... someone got duties and what a way to plug... hopefully she kept u real busy with deliveries..... i wonder what u get a girl who owns a florist.