Reverse Jumping out under load


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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2013
western australia
Here goes first post.I recently cracked the housing on my gearbox and decided i would change it all over myself i did this very methodicaly but im now haing a reverse issue.
When i put it in reverse i can pump the clutch a bit , around half way out and it will move the car but when the clutch is completely disengaged its jumps right out of reverse with
a grinding noise ive been pushing it to reverse for a couple months now and im sick of the embaressment .PLEASE any advice would be great.
Did you fit another box or dismantle it and put your internals in another case?
I would be looking at cable adjustment first, then clutch.
If it was another box, maybe it had a reverse problem already.
Cheers Ross
i just swapped it all into the new case it was the bellhousing that i split so i only used that part ive done cable adjustments and clutch too ive got it to the point where all my gears are better than ever
apart from reverse ofcourse hahaha
Take the end case off again and check that the wave spring on the inside cover isnt broken or bent too flat. Also your reverse synchro will just come straight off once you take the end cover off. Perhaps the keys and springs arent sitting in position properly? Another problem can be your shifter cables nylon bush could be worn. It lives in the little selsector bracket bolted to your gearbox housing that you attach your selector cables onto.
shifter cable bushes have been replaced with brass items and all shifter bushes have been done in the car too,ive had the end case off again and it all looks ok but mabey im missing some thing
Im due to pull the engine soon to make new mounts and fit a new oil pump and gasket plus a general bay tidy up. Ill have to try again.