RVR HSGR?? Anyone recognize this car?


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Jonathon Mason

New Member
Jan 6, 2017
Hi everyone. New to the forum. Last month I bought a RVR and trying to track down its model/ possible seeedy history. I think it's a 1997 HSGR since it has the recaros, folding rear seats ect, however it has side steps and two tone paint which I did not think were fitted to a HSGR. I've attached some photos in case anyone recognizes it. Bought on the Gold Coast but previous owner was from Byron/Lismore way. Has a sticker bombed center console + sub in the boot but apart from that interior is immaculate and looks fairly stock. KM's approx 150k imported 2008. Thanks IMG_6743.JPG
Thanks, just managed to upload a photo of it now. I've got a hunch that it has been resprayed. Just don't know why you would fit the side steps to a HSGR!
Definite respray, the 2 tone looks alright too. Sidesteps. ... weird.
Maybe the last owner ****** the side skirts up and that was the next best thing? They do some weird **** in Byron and even worse in Lismore.
Welcome to the forum matey.
All of the imports I've seen the import plate on just say Sports Gear no matter what they are, but regarding the one you have pictured I'd say it's an SSG with a HSG front and rear wing on it...........nobody would go to the trouble of fitting side steps, plus I don't think the HSG has the holes to support the steps......but I can check.

Also........ALL HSGs ARE 1997 models.