RVR wont rev past 3500rpm


Help Support 4GTuner:

When I changed my belts a while ago I had the tall one too but me and Aldo heated the plastic cover so it doesn't touch it. :)
mine wouldnt have been touching if the mechanic had put all the bolts back in and didnt strip half of them.... :( im going to see them but got buckleys chance getting any money or work recouped :(

RVR's getting full new gasket kit, arp head studs, and camtech cams :) oh and maybe MUCH bigger turbo
I would do work myself but im a butcher by trade and a dj..... and that means im farkin useless at mechanical **** hahaha
Okay, update on engine....

Its all pulled out, seems the balance shaft bearings decided to part ways but lickily i got to it before any major damage :) need to get a balance shaft removal kit, got gasket kit on the way, arp head studs ordered, Spool Rods ordered (cos for some reason the builder put forged pistons but left stock rods) buying MattL's tomei cams, and got new lifters to go in. Heads off to have valve seats machined and blocks off to be cleaned :) there goes my money :(