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CLuTZ said:
Okay then sell it and wait for a car thats been modified to come up and buy that!

Will save you quite alot of cash!

No... I will enjoy it was just saying i don't see any end in sight.
Bob, the maintenance of your car never stops..... I'm doing something to my car at least once a month. Whethere it be changing oil and oil filter or fitting more bling bling :wink:
It's alright Bob. If anything you can be satisfied that you have a car that can do a porsche on the streets, and also take passengers/ transport goods larger than a bowling ball. Oh, yes, and you'll have change from 100 grand, that's always nice :D. Remember, for every dollar you spend, someone else will have spent 50.
Sloth said:
You can never have too much horsepower to drive to work... :D

thats got to be a new quotable quote of 2006 :lol:

Cade, to be honest with you, now matter what you do to your car, there will be an initial sense of overwhelming joy, usually asscoiated with 2am trips to the nearest *cough* drag *cough* location to see what you can now demolish that you couldnt b4. But this feeling always subsides as you get used to the power which you have just unleashed with the latest onslaught of mods.

Having said that, I feel that if your car is quicker than MOST factory standard cars available today (HSV, FPV, porsche, etc etc [you catch my drift 8) ]) I reckon you have a car which will bring you a lot more 'satisfaction', as you put it, than most. There is nothing better than seeing the look on a persons face after you have just owned him in his brand spanking new 297kw GTO coupe.....

So then really what you want is a RELIABLE high 11/ low 12 second car. :lol: