shift issues


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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2007
St Andrews
ok the other night i was driving my aus spec vr4 and when i reversed out of a parking spot (ridding the clutch to go slow) then when i went to put it in 1st it was very hard and it did it with all the gears but the next day it was fine again

does anyone know what this could be

as to the grinding or crunch yes both hot and cold and now there is a low pitch squeek when i press the clutch which leeds me to belive that it is the chutch fork and i also spoke to the guys at techsport and they seem to think that ti is the same thing

as for the cables i have know idea

could be a number of things, from my vast gearbox trouble expieriances it could be:

gearbox oil too thin, not enough
deteiorated syncro's (seems to be a common issue with older boxes)
strecthed and worn cables (500 dollars oem)
dont go custom like i did, ended up costing me an arm an a leg and the workshop that ended up installing them hacked the **** out of my gear cable bracket on top of the gbox, though u may find a cheaper place that gets the lengths right the first time so you can install them yourself.

as for the squeeking, it sounds as though your throughout/carrier bearing is rubbing on the clutch face plate, adjust your clutch under the dash back abit and this should fix the issue.
the oil is the only thing that i have not checked but i did get a quote to reco the box do the clutch and the clutch fork so i think that i will get some dollars and do it all at the same time

veerfour said:
That gearbox was only rebuilt 18 months ago thru techsport. I'd look at the clutch first, also make sure you only use castrol syntrans not the castrol syntrax or anything else. Syntrans is a GVR4 specific oil.

i made the very expensive mistake of changing the oil and that is the reason why the box is also playing up so the plan was to rebuild the box again and do the clutch, clutch fork and the flywheel

i wish that i knew about the oil before hand
