Well-Known Member
So, I know my TPS is semi shagged (Doesn't read WOT properly, only gives 4.3k resistance fully opened and that's adjusted properly)
I know my idle stop sensor only reads when it wants to and i've adjusted it like 15 times.
I'm near certain my o2 sensor is fine.
I don't have a datalogger or eculink yet.
What I do have is a boost hesitation. Basically, as soon as you hit 6psi+ it starts pulling back noticeably (worse than offboost acceleration) and generates these great big smokescreens of black fuel smoke behind the car. Needless to say, fuel economy went up **** creek.
I'm seriously over this ****. I spent a fortune buying a GOOD vr4 and all it gives me is ******* ****. Between this and the wheel I'm ready to throw a match at it.
Someone please tell me where to start looking or I'm going to slam it into a tree and claim the insurance.
I know my idle stop sensor only reads when it wants to and i've adjusted it like 15 times.
I'm near certain my o2 sensor is fine.
I don't have a datalogger or eculink yet.
What I do have is a boost hesitation. Basically, as soon as you hit 6psi+ it starts pulling back noticeably (worse than offboost acceleration) and generates these great big smokescreens of black fuel smoke behind the car. Needless to say, fuel economy went up **** creek.
I'm seriously over this ****. I spent a fortune buying a GOOD vr4 and all it gives me is ******* ****. Between this and the wheel I'm ready to throw a match at it.
Someone please tell me where to start looking or I'm going to slam it into a tree and claim the insurance.