So when's the next meetup


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I would do the dinner again, that was a great night last time. Might take the Eterna this time for something different, but no cruise for me as it is standard
Will need notice for the Restaurant as we get booked up pretty fast.
My only issue is it needs to be on a Monday or Tuesday Night every other night I work (you guest it ... at the Restaurant)

Also one would assume there would be less attention by the authorities.

the Cruising law might get us though??? groups of 4??? with what is acceptable? 500mtrs between each 4 cars??

Phffft what a load of camel poo.
I have only heard that from your mouth Troy? Is it confirmed? I'm not up to date with the laws but you said that last time when I tried getting like 30 cars together and I nearly **** my pants. Lol
Yeah it in the hoon laws a group of cars 4 or more could be deemed in breach of the laws. but we are all responsible people here who do not go hooning on public streets. Besides we have the race track for that, what with mt cotton Willowbank lakeside qr we have plenty of events to participate in should members ever want to let their inner speed demon out and should they tell everyone a lot will come out in support or to join in.
what's this groups of 4? .. so you cannot go driving together in groups of 4 or more unless you are a registered vehicle club?
5 vehicles going on a family camping trip? 5 cars driven by old ladies on the way to an open garden?

given that few of us will have each others mobile numbers I'd like to see them try and associate us together ;)

how would going for a drive at the speed limit in a group be affected by the rules below?

Type 1
  • Any of the following four offences committed in circumstances which involve a speed trial, a race between motor vehicles or a burn out:
  1. Dangerous operation of a motor vehicle
  2. Careless driving
  3. Organising, promoting or taking part in racing or speed trials
  4. Wilfully starting or driving a motor vehicle in a way that makes unnecessary noise or smoke
  • Evading police
Type 2
  • Driving a vehicle while it is uninsured and unregistered
  • Unlicensed driving
  • High-range drink driving - 0.15% and over
  • Exceeding the speed limit by more than 40km/h.
  • Driving an illegally modified vehicle not complying with prescribed sections of vehicle standards and safety
  • Failure to supply a specimen of breath or blood
  • Driving while under a 24 hour suspension
It's getting a bit out of hand isn't it? The army utility vehicles drive past in groups of nearly 10..... BTW Mo, i think you'll be fine anyway. What court would believe that 4g63 enthusiasts would even consider affiliating with a skyline, ha ha ha!!!
bob said:
what's this groups of 4? .. so you cannot go driving together in groups of 4 or more unless you are a registered vehicle club?
5 vehicles going on a family camping trip? 5 cars driven by old ladies on the way to an open garden?
Which is worse, the type 1 offence?
What are the repercussions of each?

White Knight said:
BTW Mo, i think you'll be fine anyway. What court would believe that 4g63 enthusiasts would even consider affiliating with a skyline, ha ha ha!!!
Hahaha I've got to admit, that was funny! :lol:
Oh well, I'll just keep on driving when y'all get pulled up.
And no doubt they will follow the stovetop lights... <_<
what I still don't understand is that there is no mention of anything to do with groups of 4 or more - going for a drive seems totally leagal
I think common sense should prevail, if all cars are behaving themselves and no undue attention is drawn I can't see how they can say anything about how many licenced people driving registered and roadworthy cars happen to be

on the road at the same time, especially when driving to have dinner :blink:

Can you imagine the judge "So it's alleged that you and more than 3 others were hungry and went to the same venue at the same time. I think we'll have to crush your car because you have a social life and we don't"

There is only one thing to do........have a blackout switch, some high powered infrared lights on the bumper, some NV goggles, a tank to inject ATF into the exhaust to create apocalyptic amounts of smoke and a separate tank of

diesel with an array of nozzles along the rear bumper with an in cabin button that can be pressed just before taking a sharp corner! Just thought I'd put it out there as a suggestion LMAO :p

Just as an aside, a lot of cops have an IQ equal to, or lesser than the amount of rounds in their clips and don't know the actual legislation that well, so it might pay to make a hard copy of the relevant amendments and put them in the

glove box.

Oh, and don't tell them I said that ↑

I'll go and take my meds now :wacko:
the groups of 4 or more came into effect with the 'outlaw motorcycle club' laws which don't actually state anything about 'outlaw motorcycle clubs' at all in the legislation. the legislation effects EVERYONE if the police and government decide it. they can target anyone under the same laws because they aren't written for outlaw motorcycle clubs they are written to prevent anti-social behavior.
I'm not anti social ... and if you don't believe me I'll punch you in the bloody face you arse holes.

See Mo I wasn't talkin **** about the group thing? ???
I actually have a couple of prosecutors coming for dinner on Saturday night, I'll ask what they know or where the best place to find out what the police will and wont accept.
Troy grab the hose, your vag is on fire :lol:

Yeah fair enough I'd just not heard of it before.
Pretty sure when it's upto police discretion it just depends on the mood of the officer as to how screwed you're gonna be.
Discretion is a dangerous word because it means open to interpretation. I would not like a cranky police officer who just lost a fight with his wife to use discretion over behaviour at all.....