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Maths people, Maths.
Uni trip = 208km return (no detours)
Average town km's/week = 175
Uni = 4/week
208x4 = 832
+175 = 1007 km/week
1007km/week in optimax, assume about 10L/100km, = 100 litres of opti.
@ 1.20/litre. = 120 bucks.
Service every 5000 = $140-ish with new filters.
Tires after 40,000 = $800.
In the next YEAR alone, my car's going to cost me approx (assuming 12 weeks off uni, in those weeks I goto jon's or thereabouts at least once (280km round trip) - 280 + 175 = 455).
First 40 weeks, $5k in fuel, 8 services = $1120, tires at least once = $800, general **** that breaks on vr4 budget = ~$1500.
Next 12 weeks, $600 in fuel, 1 service = $140, tire allowance = $100, general maint budget = ~$300.
So umm
12 months of vr4 ownership at my level of driving
is going to tack probably a good 50-60 thousand km's onto my car, (taking it to around 180k), cost me around 5.5k in fuel, 1.3k in services, 1k in tires and a general fix-it budget of around 1.8k (total around 9.6k). Add that I've already got a heap of things to fix (which aren't being added to this as they are basic stuff)....
Should I keep it to goto uni and back? Or should I ditch it for now?
Alternatively, I could move closer to uni, but that'd cost me more than the car would (rent, bills, food etc).
Uni trip = 208km return (no detours)
Average town km's/week = 175
Uni = 4/week
208x4 = 832
+175 = 1007 km/week
1007km/week in optimax, assume about 10L/100km, = 100 litres of opti.
@ 1.20/litre. = 120 bucks.
Service every 5000 = $140-ish with new filters.
Tires after 40,000 = $800.
In the next YEAR alone, my car's going to cost me approx (assuming 12 weeks off uni, in those weeks I goto jon's or thereabouts at least once (280km round trip) - 280 + 175 = 455).
First 40 weeks, $5k in fuel, 8 services = $1120, tires at least once = $800, general **** that breaks on vr4 budget = ~$1500.
Next 12 weeks, $600 in fuel, 1 service = $140, tire allowance = $100, general maint budget = ~$300.
So umm
12 months of vr4 ownership at my level of driving
is going to tack probably a good 50-60 thousand km's onto my car, (taking it to around 180k), cost me around 5.5k in fuel, 1.3k in services, 1k in tires and a general fix-it budget of around 1.8k (total around 9.6k). Add that I've already got a heap of things to fix (which aren't being added to this as they are basic stuff)....
Should I keep it to goto uni and back? Or should I ditch it for now?
Alternatively, I could move closer to uni, but that'd cost me more than the car would (rent, bills, food etc).