Some Advice Needed


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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2005
Ballarat, Victoria
Maths people, Maths.

Uni trip = 208km return (no detours)
Average town km's/week = 175

Uni = 4/week

208x4 = 832
+175 = 1007 km/week

1007km/week in optimax, assume about 10L/100km, = 100 litres of opti.

@ 1.20/litre. = 120 bucks.

Service every 5000 = $140-ish with new filters.

Tires after 40,000 = $800.

In the next YEAR alone, my car's going to cost me approx (assuming 12 weeks off uni, in those weeks I goto jon's or thereabouts at least once (280km round trip) - 280 + 175 = 455).

First 40 weeks, $5k in fuel, 8 services = $1120, tires at least once = $800, general **** that breaks on vr4 budget = ~$1500.

Next 12 weeks, $600 in fuel, 1 service = $140, tire allowance = $100, general maint budget = ~$300.

So umm
12 months of vr4 ownership at my level of driving
is going to tack probably a good 50-60 thousand km's onto my car, (taking it to around 180k), cost me around 5.5k in fuel, 1.3k in services, 1k in tires and a general fix-it budget of around 1.8k (total around 9.6k). Add that I've already got a heap of things to fix (which aren't being added to this as they are basic stuff)....

Should I keep it to goto uni and back? Or should I ditch it for now?

Alternatively, I could move closer to uni, but that'd cost me more than the car would (rent, bills, food etc).

Oh btw. The car's already cost me $14k (including the 6 for the car... or 8 otherwise). Joys of buying something that was almost rooted and having to replace just about every moving part except the engine itself.

And don't say my fuel econ figures are off. I actually use my turbo, defeats the purpose to drive off boost all the time. May as well have kept the gsr for that :p
Cars are a part of life.. doesnt matter what car you get you will always have those bills.

You have fixed the VR-4 with all new parts.. so why flog it off? Its now less prone to break down.

Im told the toyota echo gets AMAZIMG fuel economy.
Be thankfull you are only paying $1.20/pl i pay $1.34/pl and was filling up 60lts once per week :( (reduce cruising, chip ECU and i can stretch to 2wks - still using 19psi to have a little fun ;) )

Otherwise get a motorbike :?
Buy a car that you can serive every 10-15k kms, a colt or something, something thats parts cost **** all for, and run on the smell of an oily rag


either that or move closer to uni!

your a big boy now lorrie :p
i say keep the vr4 as a project car / weekend warrior.. get yourself a shitbox to drive to uni..

otherwise, lpg convert your vr4.. be the first to run a vr4 on lpg!
LPG's are carby/mixer sort of setup aren't they? You can't really get a computer to tune injectors for an lpg setup? Or can you?

Jeez I know -zilch- about lpg.
If you want to find out, ring up Errol @ E.F.I Dynamics, the 4WD dyno he uses is at a place called L.P.Gas, he used to work there for something like 9 years, its right next to the Dyno Dynamics factory in Lilydale- he should be able to tell you everything you wanted to know!
i'll have to dig up the magazine....

from memory i think it had something to do with the temperature it burns at

could be completely wrong, i seriously know sfa about lpg

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