Spam on Clubvr4


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entaran said:
In the most diplomatic of tones possible and being that I probably have a vested interest here, I need to make clear a few points even though I understand that this post will probably be deleted. So to those of you who wish to read it afterwards, I will quote it and repeat it on team4g.

Point #1: Dre/Clutz does not and has not had access to Clubvr4 for a lengthy period of time so far. He does not and has not previously acted in such a manner that would theoretically lay the blame on him for an action like this.

Point #2: Whilst dre's ISP is infact optusnet, I would be interested to see the logs of the IP that actually made the posts. Please make this known to me mrt, here or via email.

Point #3: Team4g is in no way responsible for whatever happened here. Most of our members are banned on this forum, three have had their accounts removed without warning, two of which were paying financial members. I'm speaking for all of them here when we ask, "Where is our refund for unused portion of membership?". Contact me via email and I will supply addresses and names you can mail the cheques to.

Point #4: Any further reference to Team4g harassing clubvr4 without tangible proof and I'll file suit against you Marty. You seem to enjoy making it known that people are breaking laws over and over again, what you have stated is quite simply a form of defamation. It has not happened in the past and will not happen in the future. We co-exist, the members who do not like it here or cannot stand the politics exist over there, conversely the members who do not like my admin style or the feel of Team4g exist over here.

Point #5: Were something to actually happen to clubvr4, such as when the database was mysteriously corrupted and you came crying to me via email, I will again just as I did before give you the answers that I know. Please feel free to blame anyone you like, but the members of Team4g are not responsible for your dilemmas. Maybe you should look at the last 50 people you banned and start trying to match IP's.


I'll start here by the way. Email me regarding refunding my unused membership.
Is there any way we can get club VR4 back into sane hands? Or remove it completely from the net, which i think he is trying to do anyway. :roll:
Well said Lorrie, I just saw the post you made mate.
Nice and diplomatic, nothing there that anyone could find offensive.

Strangly enough I have noticed that clubvr4 has not had an AGM for at least 12 months... must be due for one shortly i'd think.
It would be good if both forums could co-exist in harmony instead of what the situation has become.
3 pebbles said:
Is there any way we can get club VR4 back into sane hands? Or remove it completely from the net, which i think he is trying to do anyway. :roll:

JSTYLE said:
When Phez resigned from his position i got a call from MRT to see if i would like to buy back the club for $500....

:lol: :lol:


10 ppl... $50 each and CVR4 could be back in real enthusiasts hands :?
Put it this way.. when i approached him about my banning he responded 'i know about it'... he is gutless and won't reply to anything i send him... i think its about time he gets what he deserves.....

So many people hate him in sydney. Look at the sydney members he is paying out directly on the site. Its no suprise that he is getting paid out and im sure people in sydney will take it up with him.

In all reality, if he wants to sell it for $500 he only has to email me. I'll buy it for the database and go from there. Troy, Jon, Dre and Barry would probably be invited over for a weekend so we could go through it all and sort it out too.

Tim, email MRT. See if he still wants to sell it. I've got $500 on my desk sitting here.
You have been banned from this forum.
Please contact the webmaster or board administrator for more information.

And contrary to his post, he has forwarded me nothing regarding the IP.
Entaran said:
You have been banned from this forum.
Please contact the webmaster or board administrator for more information.

And contrary to his post, he has forwarded me nothing regarding the IP.

Marty is a **** talker.... he is doing all to himself.. gutless fat ****... he will get what he deserves.

there's always two side's to a coin

What's worse in my opinion is, that its getting posted about and getting dragged on through out the forums.

get on with your lifes and your clubs and get back to what you all love your mitsu's :roll:

I agree with the earlier comment
no reason why both clubs should/could co exist.
We should be able to co-exsist but as well as you guys knew i was paricularily laid back mod on the C-VR4 forums. Not knowing the full extent or picture just cant understand why most guys are getting banned for basically posting on here and having about opinion certain subjects.

Not worried havent been on there for 6 months in anycase as just had a browse over my chrissie holidays and was suprised with a few things i viewed.

Oh well im well and truly over it.
i dont know whats going on really, all i know is 'forget about it' :D All i know is i used to be with the old car club kat run, and now im here.. naked :D.. lol not really naked.. :)

FBI Technician:
What's 'forget about it'?

Donnie Brasco:
'Forget about it' is like if you agree with someone, you know, like Raquel Welch is one great piece of ass, forget about it.

But then, if you disagree, like A Lincoln is better than a Cadillac? Forget about it! you know?

But then, it's also like if something's the greatest thing in the world, like mingia those peppers, forget about it.

But it's also like saying Go to hell! too. Like, you know, like "Hey Paulie, you got a one inch pecker?" and Paulie says "Forget about it!" Sometimes it just means forget about it.
Holy crap.

Things escalated kinda quickly :lol:

No love lost for me :D

I was banned many moons ago and haven't returned. My hair has grown back, my sex life is better, and I enjoy getting up at sunrise every morning! Things are great now. :lol:
then more insightment by clutz its like kids in a school yard

All about Clutz

Club VR4 New Guy Joined: 30 Jan 2006
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clutz, you really love penis??

jk mate

is my account still around guys??

bazeng or

and am i still top poster? lol

damn i was a post whore in cvr4...
I think this post and the posts on club vr4 should both be deleated as its just fouling the image of both clubs and adding fuel to the fire.

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