sudden oil pressure loss


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Grumpy old man from the school of hard knocks
Mar 9, 2007
southside of perth WA
I've got a problem 4g93. I hates me and the feeling is mutual. She was a second hand forged engine that performed well for the previous owner . He up graded to a 4g63 and I grabbed this at a good price. When time came to slot an engine into a car that Im selling this one went in and ran perfectly. .....then it started blowing the oil filter seal out the side of the filter. first time it did it I just thought crap filter...wont buy that brand again. So off to repco and bought a new filter and some diesel engine oil to run for a week or so to get rid of any sludge that might have built up from sitting around...there is a tip for new players....that oil is better and kinder to your engine than an oil flush. coldish morning I started the car to move it out the way of the caravan. another huge trail of oil results. many swear words.

another new filter fitted and some normal petrol engine..engine oil. all good for a few weeks .....another cold day and hey presto the paving is getting cleaned again.

today, reversed the car in to replace the rear diff tha tI thought might be the cause of some issues with vibration im chasing. swear at diff alot but in and out in a few hours...replaced a few arms with stuffed bushes as well .

oil in diff ...ok lets test drive. start...leave idle while open gates. return after a minute or two and jump in. OIL LIGHT ON. switch off quick.... check the pressure switch...seems good. no puddles underneath again....hmm Undo turbo oil oil coming out with engine running.

no oil who is placing bets on a stuck relief piston. ??

smashed pump gears..??

collapsed oil filter????

other suggestions?
You broke my engine Brian. Have you got oil in the head? Only thing I can think of, your using one of your turbos on it, if your feed line is blocked would that be giving you high oil pressure? Where is the turbo oil feed coming from, head or oil pump? What about the pressure regulator in the head, is it ok or gummed up with ****?
feed line is off the head in the normal 93 spot.

Judging fron the lifter clatter isnt getting any flow at all to the head. will remove sump tomorrow and inspect pump pressure relief. **** I hate this car....
Mine is spewing oil out the front main seal so you not alone in laying under a 93t.
But as you said your oil light is on, and that is after the filter (?) So it must be filter, relief or pump. Or pickup.

I bet its not getting any oil at all, this time. Might as well inspect/plastigage no4 bigend while sump is off.
siezed oil pressure relief piston....full of little bits of silver ****. I removed a couple of big ends and wow....scores from **** going through and chatter marks that were obviously there before it was put together!! Built by a ******* perhaps

number three big end could be rattled on the crank. Yet strangely this engine did not knock or make and bad noises.
The filters are too small, a few revs and they open up and run on bypass, letting that crap straight through. I want to run twin z9 or something, but only a single for now.
So the bottom of the sump is clean, indicating its old damage??? Any warranty.
Chatter marks on the big ends?....usually when not supported by a steady when beng ground. ***** crank grinder...nonetheless, shouldn't have been used like that.
chatter marks were in the bearing shell. source of the **** that blocked the pressure relief pistion open turned out to be the rear thrust washer. it had worn so much that it allowed the front one to fall out. that was found in the sump when i started to wipe it out. the rear washer was sharp a a razor blade and there was a bit of wear in the crank thrust area.
jack of all said:
Any warranty.
no mate...she was a second hand engine. That is the risk you take when buying a runner. The seller woulndnt have had an indication it was an issue either as the funny thing is. It didnt knock...rattle...or really give a sign of impending failure.

it is the legacy of heavy single plate push type clutches.....premature thrust washer wear.
It's all right, I got some duct tape and the cat. More Pussy than I've had in ages.

I still reckon something's been missed Brian, don't know what. Need to work out what came first, stuck relief making bearing glitter, or bearing glitter making relief get stuck. Doesn't make two ***** difference now, but would be good to get to the bottom of it.

Warranty on a second hand race engine.............ah, nup. No secrets were kept when that motor changed hands, if I didn't changed to a '63, I would have kept running that engine as is, it had no signs of impending failure. Words do need to be had about the condition you send my wife back in thou. That's just nasty and underhanded.......
Yeah mate sorry mate.... an 11 inch cock certainly does makes them limp for a few days i guess. BUT credit where it due...she certainly does like to play hide the sausage in different ways. :p :p :p

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