Super Sports Gear Clutch Replacement


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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2015
Hello everyone, I'm about to replace the Clutch in my SSG and I'm wondering if anyone has any experience in doing so and if so any tips or advice they can offer? I'v already bought a heavy duty sports organic clutch, lightened flywheel and the other bits, but I was wondering if it would be worth my time replacing the gearbox seals and other stuff like that while it was out? I'm obviously going to do a transfer case and gearbox service while its out of the car but should I do anything else while the gearbox is out? Is it worth replacing the seals?
Basically am I missing anything? And does anyone have any advice before I go ahead and start?
YES! do the rear main seal on the engine and make sure to use a clutch alignment tool, loctite the bolts for the flywheel and you're away!
As above ↑↑ Replace any seal you can see and/or get to, you'll save a lot of stuffing around in the long run. And clean everything as well while it's out, if you want to go completely nuts you could throw a bit of paint around too ;)
There will either by a thread on the part numbers for the seals, or one of us RVR guys might already know.

If you are getting your flywheel machined make sure they machine the posts on the sides of the flywheel, if it's a good shop they should know what to do. You might have to shim the pivot ball before you put in in also.
White Knight said:
Do it all in your shed with minimal tools, the car just 1 foot off the ground and no engine hoist. Live life bro!!!
I agree with the first part of that statement, because that's how we roll for some ****** up-wrong tool-Macguyver kinda **** reason. But the taking the gearbox out from underneath with only 1 baby jack and some firewood was some next level ****.......I did offer to bring my hoist! We got it done though and I still don't know how, I think I must have made a repressed memory
I anyone needs a clutch replaced in rainy weather on the side of a muddy hill in the middle of butfuk nowhere with a 17mm and a spoon, then we're your guys

In all seriousness though......get an engine hoist with leveler and take the engine and box out the top, you can leisurely line up your clutch with your alignment tool and wriggle the box on while it's on a flat surface, much easier. Oh, and remember the little 14mm bolt that attaches from the engine side, very important bolt!!
Yeah, i said no to the hoist and leveller..... I like forced exercise! You can do it all by yourself with perseverance, patience and determination (chucking the ***** helps with strength).
Probably just not recommended.
It's all done, started it friday night and finished it sunday night. Wasn't all too difficult, just knowing the process of taking it out was a slow learning curve :)