Suspension Heights


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Mar 15, 2006
Perth, Western Australia
Hi All,

Do all of your cars have even gaps between the tyres and the guards?

I was just looking at my GSR from one side and thought, hmmm there is heaps of room to lower, about 60mm at the back and 75mm at the front.

Then I went on the other side, there was still about 70-75mm at the front but then at the rear (fuel filler side) there was only just 40mm!!

Would this be due to a stuffed spring? The handling doesn't seem to be suffering as a result though??

I have about 1/4 tank of fuel so it cant be weight from that.

Unless a bush of two is stuffed and causing the car to sit funny, but I thought the springs ruled the ride height...

Any thoughts/ideas?

suspension on the drivers side is slightly higher than the passneger side, to complement the added weight of a driver.....

but i doubt that accounts for your differences!

measure from the centre of the wheel to the start of the gaurd if you have a stuffed spring say the left hand rear is lower. The right hand front should be a lot higher than the left hand front.
Hi All,

Well I re-measured the heights from the center of the wheel to the guards.

Front Drivers = 370mm
Rear Drivers = 350mm

Front Passenger = 385mm
Rear Passenger = 360mm

yelevo said:
measure from the centre of the wheel to the start of the gaurd if you have a stuffed spring say the left hand rear is lower. The right hand front should be a lot higher than the left hand front.

Are these differences significant enough to think the spring has become unsprung?

I can hear a lot of road noise from my passenger rear tyre since I put the new rims on (17" +Toyo Proxes 4). I am thinking there is excess pressure on that corner of the car causing it to press down more on the road there??


Those meaurements can tell me one of two things either the springs have sagged replace all four or the vehicle has been accident damaged and the chasis is twisted hopefully it is just the springs
Yeah I had an accident when someone drove through a stop sign into me, wasn't major just cosmetic really, front left quarter, bumper and bonnet. The chassis rail was dented slightly but my repairer fixed it all properly.

Unless it was in an accident before I bought it, but I did check all of that, closing of gaps, overspray, caulking etc.

The main issue I am having is if the Whiteline springs lower to car to 305mm at the rear, will I need to get the guards rolled? It has 17" rims with 215/40 tyres.

It has done 210 000, how long to springs last for anyway?

I have been speaking to Whiteline regarding this ride height issue and they tell me that its quite common for the drivers side rear to be up to 15mm lower than the passenger side rear, they put it down to some extra weight that must be on that side of the car from factory...would have to be quite substantial I would think.


give king springs a call ask them what the hub to gaure measurements should be feom factory and what they will be with there coils fitted