TC06 exhaust


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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2005
Melbourne VIC
hey guyz.... after doing some research it has come to my attention that the tc06 exhaust housing is massive....

atm my turbo is a 20g comp cover with a t4 front wheel(8fin) and a standard 14b exhaust housing....

im thinking that a tc06 exhaust housing on that setup would make my turbo crazy?????? any1 have any ideas

i would need to get a new exhaust manifold??

what do u guyz think?? it is internally gated.... and i would prolly wanna run some big PSI through it(20psi and above)

cheers Grant-
hey buddy

i have a friend who built up a tco6 turbo (rear exhaust housing) and tdo5 front cover...

it was lag city
didn't make much power

no idea why
but if lag isn't an issue.. go for it
it is big...
and has the same bolt pattern as the td turbo's..

he also had issues bolting the thing up and had to get a spacer made between the exhaust manifold and turbo (it exhaust housing hit the block...)
there was a guy who had one from clubvr4

that was ok.... but i figure with the big wheel and comp cover it should be fine

spesh if im running big psi
This is a quote from Steve Murch who is a MHI turbo guru in NZ.

crunchy said:
the only thing to use out of a tco6 is the shaft which needs alot of machining to use, but with a backcut and other mods works very well
it is lag city mate,

they did come out in the cordia's but remember, the later models were changed to the tco5's due to the laggyness...