Team4g cruise! 19/10/08


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Skuz said:
Jamie, matress and i are keen for meeting up in moorabbin, so if any south east people are keen for a pre-meet to toorak along nepean hwy, give us a buzz.

Where? When?
How about we meet at the same spot as all the other meets have met at?

Westerfolds Reserve carpark TEMPLESTOWE

Please note to use the 2nd entrance not the 1st!!

Meet: 9.30am
Departing: 10am SHARP

If anyone is going to be late, feel free to call or sms me on 0449236112

Make sure you have enough fuel fellas!

See you in the morning


Ahh mabye would makkas or 7/11 at the end of the frankston freeway (able to get some breakfast, and springvale road and take springvale road the whole way? does anyone have a better idea? and meet at 8.45 and leave at 9?
Skuz said:
Ahh mabye would makkas or 7/11 at the end of the frankston freeway (able to get some breakfast, and springvale road and take springvale road the whole way? does anyone have a better idea? and meet at 8 leave at 8.20?

Dont get there too early bro.
Hey guys,

I'm not gonna have internet access for the rest of the night, so if somebody could please message me the meet up points and whereabouts in Toorak we're leaving from, that'd be great.

I'll be there on my bike, and one of my mates who lives in Armadale might be up for it aswell.

For those who don't have it already, my number is 0424 316 704.

See you guys bright and early!
ok guys, sorry about the delay.. busy weekend! i'm not quite sure on the exact route we will take to king lake so any ideas are welcome!

northsiders will meet at the usual BP at 9.30am, leaving at 10.00am!
as for the south eastsiders, i haven't made a premeet because i don't know a central place for all you guys, but i've made McDonalds the main meet point at Diamond Creek @ 10.30am,0.022745&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr

We can then get everyone together, get some quick breaky and then cruise up to kinglake, then having lunch somewhere around there.

What to bring..
CB radio
and your car..

It's a bit rushed but yeah, should be a good turn out by the looks of it! any problems or anything my mob is 0422606342
olly said:
northsiders will meet at the usual BP at 9.30am, leaving at 10.00am!
as for the south eastsiders, i haven't made a premeet because i don't know a central place for all you guys, but i've made McDonalds the main meet point at Diamond Creek @ 10.30am

I say screw the pre meets (if there's going to be less than 10 cars) and just everyone meet at westerfolds reserve at 9.30 am?? We cant let this turn into a shambles. I know a good route through kinglake so how about we make things a whole lot easier- meet at WESTERFOLDS RESERVE AT 9.30AM instead of having 3 meet points at 3 different times- we're just asking for trouble.

CLuTZ said:
How about we meet at the same spot as all the other meets have met at?

Westerfolds Reserve carpark TEMPLESTOWE

Please note to use the 2nd entrance not the 1st!!

Meet: 9.30am
Departing: 10am SHARP

If anyone is going to be late, feel free to call or sms me on 0449236112

Make sure you have enough fuel fellas!

See you in the morning


Looks good Dre, for those that havent a GPS to just type the location into, the Melway address is 33 G 2
Cya there before 10.
Confirmed then!

CLuTZ said:
Westerfolds Reserve carpark TEMPLESTOWE

Please note to use the 2nd entrance not the 1st!!

Meet: 9.30am
Departing: 10am SHARP

If anyone is going to be late, feel free to call or sms me on 0449236112

Make sure you have enough fuel fellas!

See you in the morning


Ah what to do.

Go to this or go buy my bicycle I've been wanting for ages or have to wait another week.

I hate making decision. Argh.

Fck it ill go, just my drivetrain vibration pisses me off atm. Really need to go get it fixed.