The beginning of my VR4 adventure!


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Went to Rob's joint today and met afew of the boys! Great people and cars and even learnt a thing or to. Thanks heaps for the look over my car guys and the history about my vr4.
with regards to your thermo fan not working,finally traced mine doing the same thing for about 3 months,now and again wouldnt turn thermo on.found a bad plug connection for the thermo fan, it was tarnished on the pins of the plug.I had voltage but no current .the plug is located between your battery tray and radiator.
Um sort of better and worse! When warm its better but when its cold it seems worse. Did you end up getting that parts car? Let me no when your heading out to willowbank again would love to go for a ride or just come out and watch.
I didn't bother with it Tony. For sure on the Willowbank trip mate :) There should be a few of us heading out soon I hope. I need to do some more road testing on mine tomorrow.
Don't have a boost gauge yet but it can't be much. Think i woke up my whole street at 530 this morning when i started my vr4, the belts where noise as till i was half way up the street.
So I go to start the old girl on Friday morning to go to work and theres this loud bang like an explosion! So car go's to the mechanic (Tims says he's good) and so far the thermostate is replaced which now means my coolant leak is gone and has also stopped the belts from squiling at 530 in the morning which my neighbours will be happy about.

I need a new thermo fan so will see tomorrow how much mitsubishi will charge or look for a secondhand one and am having a leak down test done so I can find out once and for all if the motor is rooted or if its just the ebay turbo.

Hopefully tomorrow is a good day I really don't need anymore expenses at the moment. Also don't no what the bang was! That fuel or oil that I sparayed all over Rob's driveway had stopped until after the bang then it was back again and there was something else that sprayed the floor aswell sort of dusty??

Prefacelift J specs sometimes randomly have a habit of giving a "cough" when you go to start them and they run on 3 cylinders for about 30 seconds until they clear their throat. It can sound anywhere from a pop to a stutter to a bang.
rob323 said:
Prefacelift J specs sometimes randomly have a habit of giving a "cough" when you go to start them and they run on 3 cylinders for about 30 seconds until they clear their throat. It can sound anywhere from a pop to a stutter to a bang.

I've not seen one do this (and I've driven a few) but I'm pretty sure they shouldn't!
rob323 said:
Prefacelift J specs sometimes randomly have a habit of giving a "cough" when you go to start them and they run on 3 cylinders for about 30 seconds until they clear their throat. It can sound anywhere from a pop to a stutter to a bang.

This happened to my car for about a week or two then went away. (87 j-spec). it also used to pop sometimes, could be a leaky injector.. Im pretty sure some injecotr cleaner made it go away for me

Ive read about this before and it was put down to two things, the injectors, that would fit what happens, running on 3 for a few seconds then clearing up. Try a few tanks of some good injector cleaner maybe. It can help with sticky injectors in other cars. Also a lot of cleaners contain sulphur as a lube so read below....

Others said it could be the dual board ecu. Don’t know how an ecu would run funny for 30 seconds then come good. People said it went away when changing the ecu, but this is often done along with different injectors.

Another idea i just thought of, (kind of putting two and two together...)
I was reading the info booklet of petrol flashlube, which is a sulphur replacement additive. The info sheet said that a few years ago new regs were passed that the sulphur content of petrol and diesel was lowerer dramatically.
Now sulphur acts as a lubricant for valves and injectors and one of the side effects was sticking injectors in older cars.
So maybe try some flashlube each tank, its cheap enough!

Think about it, the injectors could be seizing up because of no lubricant in the new fuel. the bang could be from on staying open once the cars turned off, so there a pool of fuel waiting to go pop, and the runing rough could be one being stuck closed.[/COLOR]
Mine used to, suspected leaky injectors so had them checked and they were all fine. I spoke with a couple of others and the only common thing was that they were all prefacelifts. When I swapped over to an A spec ecu (same injectors), the problem never occurred again.