The Job Thread


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Velocity Racing said:
AUSVR4 said:
Velocity Racing said:
Dan there is jobs at tax with us if your intrested :)


Sorry yeah I meant DTF. I think he'll be doing something in the IT realm for the RAAF won't you Jase?

click on APS4 and its the team coach one..

all the details are in there.. :)

Not wanting to turn this into a job market thread, but was wondering if you could give me a little advice on APS6 .. Is it a team leader of a call centre or would it be something to actually do with financials.. ??

A bit of background, I have been a Team Leader for a large financial company for about 6 years now (Worked here for 10)... Working in the call centre looking after outbound/inbound + also Australia/New Zealand ... I am looking for a change...
APS isn't the title of the job, it's the classification of the job.

You could work for ATO, Defence, etc.. Doesn't really matter.
The APS levels must be a national Public Service scale eh? cause I'm in a USS scale in the Roads & Traffic Authority so still within the public service sector but at a State level because the pay's about the same (slightly less than APS). Ever tried looking for a job in VICROADS etc? Just getting your foot in the door doing something like admin to start with will open up plenty of doors down the track - actually any position within the public service sector will give you a heap of opportunities as the oldies start retiring. I find that in the RTA easily 80% of the workforce are over 40 years old and with many retiring within the next 5-10 years a lot of experience will leave with them. That's why they've taken succession planning seriously and are doing something about it - I dare say a lot of departments in the public sector would be similar so get in whilst you're young :lol: :wink:
Yeah, I have been thinking about taking on a move, and have friends that rave about public service. I guess for me at the moment, I wouldn't be able to take a pay cut ... As my fiance now has just started full time work, I guess she will be helping contribute to the mortgage and stuff, but need to make sure she gets some stability before I start to venture out there in the world ... But yeah, am starting to see what the real world is like once again ...
There are State scales, then Commonwealth scales (and LOTS in between).

For instance, in SA Gov, most employees are an ASO*, whereas most Commonwealth are APS*, but then it gets more complicated when they create scales that are more specific than that. For instance, I'm an "ITO1", which is an "S&T3", which is an "APS4-5".

Fun :)
not 100% sure on the super thing.. but the ATO is the best paid federal department of them all, and far better the State departments id assume to (for SA that is).

all the jobs in tax are pretty much just APS2- EL2, there arnt S&T type things.

rock_it. As for the team leader roles, it depends in what area you are.

im pretty sure they are going to be for super simplificaion (nation wide) which deals with the new superanuation rules just brought in, etc. but im not too sure exactly as i work in the activitystatment/income tax accounting area, which is pretty diffrent.

but as the jobs are for Client account services, they could go anywhere within that (CAS) bracket. which includes things like Income tax, busniess tax (activity statments), activity statement exceptions (area that helps fix mistakes on BAS forms) super, accouting, micro enterprise and individuals(they deal with small busniess and individuals, and cover a general tax for thoes things) most areas will include some call centre work (the ato is really moving in that direction) aswell as general account maintance etc.. but it depends on where you go.

alot of our managers, and staff in general are ex private call centre people, so its probbaly woth applying if your intrested, tax is an awesome place to work, the money is awesome, its really easy, we have flexi time, so you can come and go as you wish, heaps of generous leave provisions, and its just a fun place to work.

sounds like what you are doing now is alot like we do in operationsv(the general busniess like that CAS comes under) at tax, so im sure you would have no issues. you certinaly dont need an accouting degree or anything, and there is heaps of training provided, so you will be taught everything you would need to know about tax.

PM me if you want anymore details

cheers Lewis

P.s off topic but please dont pm me with any tax queries :p i cant help sorry..
tradesmen.. mining tradesmen????

fuck i finished school here... first job out on mine was around 60k a year..
mon-fir 7am to 3pm... also 5 on 5 off 12 hour shifts...

dropped it for a dual trade apprenticeship as a fitter & machinest / metal fabricator. pretty good but 28k a year sucks.. im a 1st year..

my point here is mining is fucking booming.. tradesmen getting minimum $35 an hour and with all the mines popping up around here they need 2000 + workers id imagine... especially skilled... and if u arnt mines will train u, all prices are gonna jump for blokes with trade certificates in fitting, diesal mechanics and especially sparkys... also drillers.
mill operators and heavy machinery operators can fetch just as much and they still offer training... if your an engineer or metalurgist or anything particularly tied up with mining the future is fucking massive and mega bucks for you guys...

my old man is a leading hand underground for and has been underground his 30th year this year and the changes in place especially with the trade deficit that has seen not just this town but remote like WA places screaming lol... he halfed my board when i got the apprenticeship cause he drilled me about getting one since i left school.

im not gonna regret taking the pay cut or not going to uni... because i believe i have and lots of others do have a big future in mining whether it be iron ore.. mineral sand.. gold or uranium... whether your underground at the face or in the office doing the accounting.