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What do you think should happen to KINGCORDIA?

  • He should be banished for all the grief he causes, scenes he creates, arguments he sparks and **** h

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hunted down by a vigilante posse and thrown back into the cave with his brother badboy bubby where h

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Diamonds are forever....
Apr 1, 2005
Melbourne VIC
Well, this poll pretty much sums it up.

Even though this is in the 'OFF TOPIC' section of this forum, please, mods- take it seriously.

Something needs to happen, so let the masses speak!
I usually try to stay out of these arguements and conflicts between members but i think this issue needs attention.

Dre has been a valued member on not only this forum but many others aswell. He is valued as he has a good knowledge base of our vehicles and he is always willing to share or help out. I think it would be a great loss to this forum if dre was to leave or to avoid visiting due to another member.

Kingcordia, Unfortunatly I don't see you as being a valued member of this forum community. I don't actually see you as being a valued member of the general population. You have posted blatently that you enjoy causing trouble in various forums and actually take pride in annoying other members. What kind of idiot are you? Get a new hobby. As for you being a nurse, It is disgraceful for anyone who has actually delt with a patient in a coma or their families to joke about it or what ever you were trying to do in your "smashed up" thread.

In my opinon, you are the reason people should need to apply for a licence to breed.

Stick with it Clutz, common sense will prevail and the masses will speak.
This thread has between 24 and 48 hours.

We will come to a ruling on the matter at or around midnight friday.

The mods are taking this very seriously.
Part of me agrees with VSTHIS but have this to add. Roger, being a bit of a larrikin in good fun and taste is OK in small doses, but you've taken things too far on a number ocassions be it writing up false stories, seeking sympathy, or just writing crap no one wants to waste their time reading - there's little wonder why people have taken this stance. A decision based on common sense is in your favour as I believe everyone deserves a 2nd chance and I think you should get a warning. Mods can maybe monitor your posts for a while (without predjudice) and if in their opinion you've continued to go down the same path without change, then they have the authority to remove you as a member. If this is your second warning, then consider rejoining under a different user name and starting fresh with a positive outlook toward the forum and its members.
What actually happened?

He said he put someone in a Coma and his car was written off..

But then he said he hit a bus because his car stalled while in gear..?
tharaka said:
What actually happened?

He said he put someone in a Coma and his car was written off..

But then he said he hit a bus because his car stalled while in gear..?

Who even cares. Who knows what the truth is?
I think we need Danna Scully and Mulder on the case.

This is a Case for the XFILES.

Too seek the truth, the truth is out there. The people need to know the unexplained Phonmena that has gripped Team4G.
Could it be extrateriestoal behaviour or just a dick being a dick head.

Mulder where are you!!!!!!!!!! :roll:

in my opinion he has already had a second chance he started to come right and went straight back to being a knob,his track record from other forums is cause enough to ban him

his latest topic on his crash proves that the truth is just something he cant comprehend,this place will be better off without him
^^^Agreed. Too many attetion-seeking stunts, too much BS spewed to the general polulation of the forum. We tried to help, but all that brought was more BS.

Roger, you're hardly a celebrity. You're not famous, people read your posts for a bit of fun and laughter. People answer your posts because they are simply, quite ridiculous. Sorry m8 but its time for you to move on; I've had enough of your stunts and claims when your own video evidence turns said claims right back in your face.

In short, there isn't anything that you bring to the table except for blatant ignorance and disrespect for the commuity.
There is a reason why he has been banend form most other forums he has polluted. Everyone has seen these reasons now. He should **** off before he ruins another forum (Cordiapower.)
To the troller's in this forum and to those that always post up nonsense, its those that must stop.

WOW, a poll all about me, thats just amazing, well as i said many times, its people like clutz that give groupsm a bad name, he is the one that cant controll his sissyasity.

Look, Im part of, hang on let me get my paper and count, IM PART OF 35 diffrent forums, and to tell you the truth team 4g is only one of them, that makes 34 other forums that im part of taking away this forum which would total 35.

Youse think i give a DAMN if i get banned in here, it would be a Yoooo Hooo in my books.

ON cordiapower there was 1 person out of the whole bunch that acted sissy and childish and would not grow up and act normal, THe person in this forum equivalent is Clutz, i wonder why he chose CLUTZ in the first place, maybe is because he was a clutz at birth, who knows, whatever.

Do what youse friken like, i dont gfive a rats arse what youse do or say or crap like that, Pffffff.
I just hope that Clutz AS THE THREAD MAKER of this poll, dont think that i feel threatned of being banned and scare me, and think ill write a appology letter or post so i can stay or whatever.

Well this scare tactic doesnt fool me and will never ever.

Becausem this matter has come up, i have deleted al;l my posts that i could cos i see that this forum doesnt need them, so do what youse please and decide.

All i think is that clutz is SUCKING UP in this forum to make his staus look good so he could become a moderator. If clutz is that valued, well so be it, may god have mercy on your souls, and let Rogerzczordias soul be with youse as in backup.
hmmmm yes a poll is something you have grown a custom to............ may i throw out there, daddy?

Good bye Mr King Cordia

***.....i have been waiting for this day to come!

i hope u feel satisfied that u have now managed to get yourself banned from the best mitsubishi forum i have ever known ya lisp'd loser!

have a real nice day! :D ....i know i will! 8)
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