thieving pieces of ####


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Grumpy old man from the school of hard knocks
Mar 9, 2007
southside of perth WA
As a few of the guys on here would know, I have got the odd one or two evo parts and I dont mind lending a hand when needed. I have at times had a couple of people come and get me to do things for them and I have tried to be fair in charging for that and have done stuff for nothing at times as well.

most of the people that have visited my shed would agree that it looks like a bomb has been let off in there. BUT I know where things are.....usually right where I dropped them last.

Now people I am asking you for some help.....some low life piece crap has come to my shed and pinched an evo 2 gearbox non lsd. I would like a bit of help in tracking the mongrel down.

Last time I can remember moving the box around was early december.. anyone that can help please pm me
DRE, whats his name hasnt been to my house......I have only recently met him. I know he has a bad reputation around the traps, but in the few times we have spoke I have found him to be of the typical kiwi outlook..... quite respectful/friendly and whilst as i said dont know him that well I dont suspect him of this one. I will add if any member wishes to deal with whats his anme...let me know I am happy the act on their behalf and make certain things go well.

BUT when I find out who it was that nicked my box I will surely put that name on every message board i know of and get the cops in!!
Fkn ouch! Add one and one together and it surely has to be someone who's been to your place and knew what they were after... Like you said, the 4g community is relatively small over here...

Are you 100% certain that you didnt move it? Did you do anything with it when you were locking Ben's box to fwd?
Missile said:
Fkn ouch! Add one and one together and it surely has to be someone who's been to your place and knew what they were after... Like you said, the 4g community is relatively small over here...

Are you 100% certain that you didnt move it? Did you do anything with it when you were locking Ben's box to fwd?

nah mate she has just walked away....but at around the 60kg mark it would have been easier with two people.
thats ****** mate.i know what id be doing if i found out who it was and it wouldnt involve the police.hope you find the scumbags that did it
what you need is a closed circuit tv system in your garage, its heaps handy for going back and reviewing what you have done. you could pickup something cheap for a few hundred and the add'd bonus is if you loose something u know exactly where to point the finger
kessen said:
don't you lock the shed bri?

mostly its locked, but as you know mate .....i go bush for work and sometimes it gets unlocked while Im away.

the family and I will certainly be vigilant now.........and I may go vigilanty on this bastards arse too!!
crossam said:
what you need is a closed circuit tv system in your garage, its heaps handy for going back and reviewing what you have done. you could pickup something cheap for a few hundred and the add'd bonus is if you loose something u know exactly where to point the finger
and to smash whos head
BMGTZ said:
mostly its locked, but as you know mate .....i go bush for work and sometimes it gets unlocked while Im away.

the family and I will certainly be vigilant now.........and I may go vigilanty on this bastards arse too!!

yeah well u certainly got the ability to fk em up
That f**in sucks Brian, But as others have said it is an extremely small 4g community here, I'm sure the culprits will be outed in no time.

I had this problem with my 808 coupe, I kept buying NOS parts for it, which for an RX-3/808 are astronomically expensive (like $400 -$800 for one badge), And I used to lock them in the shed.
Continually I used to go up there to do some work on it and find parts missing regularly, Parts I knew I had already. They were just popping a side window and climbing in.
My dog must have got close to catching them a couple of times as she'd wake me up and run to the back door, I'd let her out and she'd bolt towards the back fence barking like mad, and she's a fairly placid dog normally
I never had any hard evidence as to who it was but I and some contacts have a fairly good idea.
Mrs was real happy when all my 808/RX parts were moved to the house, It pretty much halted the project, I was even going to move the car to my old man's for a while there I was so worried I'd come home one day and it would be gone.

Anyway sorry for the long post, I hope you find them and can prove it. They need to be outed

Oh, sorry to ad to my little anecdote, about 10 years ago I had an FC RX-7, did a few small performance upgrades on it, and my Mrs. bought me a rotor shaped oil filler cap as a present for it. Anyway, we were on a cruise and a guy and his mate approached me to talk about the car a little, so I opened the bonnet so they could have a look.

While I was chatting to this guy, out the corner of my eye I catch his mate unscrewing my oil filler cap and go to put it in his pocket!
I said "Hey, what the f*&k do you think your doing??" and he says "Oh I was just having a look at it" and screwed it back on and took off. I couldn't believe my eyes!

kessen said:
yeah well u certainly got the ability to fk em up

who ever did this......their day will come. but of course I would not say that I would be doing anything illegal on a public forum.

lets just say know a little of my abilities and my resolve.
