things to look out for when building a stroker


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yoni lover
Oct 20, 2006
just starting the stroker build,

just after any advice or things to look out for

when doing this(may apply to general rebuilds too)

such as things that should be replaced checked, tested etc...

clearancing of block, etc...

are people usuing standard type crank and rods?

also what rev limit are you running too
Try to talk to JETGSR, he's building a stroker. He gave me a few tips.

Good luck with the build.
put it togeather like any other but check your deck height! if you are going to build it, build it well!

go a machanical tensioner. CC the head, arp everything!

Just remember new injecters, ECU, Fuel pump upgrade, make sure every oil gallery and squirter is clean and clear, Balance anything that goes round, and you may as well flick the balance shafts while you are there.

Just make sure you have about 4k for the motor free and about 2k for extras and you should be right, providing everything else is in perfect condition and you do it yourself!

Sounds scary :shock:

other than that it is pretty straight forward

let me know where you are up too and i'll give you some pointers.

You don't have to flick the balance shafts, I've kept mine in my 2.3 (just ensure if you do run them you get the shafts that match the stroker crank). Are you building a 6-bolt or 7-bolt stroker? I've built a 6-bolt and needed to grind clearances into the bearing bridges and on a casting step in the third cylinder, whereas a mate who built a 7-bolt just put it together - no grinding required. Check that you don't smash your oil squirters on the down stroke.

Other than that, it's a straight forward engine rebuild.

You don't NEED to go arp everything - it's nice if you can afford it. Just remember that by going stroker you're reducing your engine's ability to rev - so you want it to breath as much as possible (ie cams, head cleanup etc). You don't have to do a massive port job on the head - you can do more harm than good if you remove too much material - a good machine shop should be able to advise you how much of cleanup you need for your application.

I've spent $6.5K sofar on my engine and that's building it myself.
thanks guys,
i am building a 7 bolt.
i have arp everything, 272 cams.
cp pistons.

what sort of treatment are you getting done to the crank?

and rods?

what are you setting your rev limits at?
I'm running 272 cams and CP pistons too!! Using Eagle rods. What overbore you going? Mine's 20 thou.

No crank treatment - just balanced. Not planning on running huge boost through it. Am looking to run standard ECU with eprom chip, not gonna rev it past 6K so not too worried.
20 over cp pistons,

getting the crank nitrided and balanced with rods,flywheel etc...

i was looking to rev to about 6500rpm-7000rpm max