Thursday Night 1/9/2011 cruises???


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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2010
Central Qld
Anyone keen for a cruise, im down with the EVO for the Pittsworth sprints, will be down on Thursday getting my new Buddy Clubs and Advans. Quite keen for a cruise Thursday night before heading off Friday.
Have heard Harry's Dinner may be the place to go...Any other options?
yeah i'd like to hit harrys with ya. gota get a good detailing on the outside of the car. one of the old mans plastic cupboards fell on my hood due the wind ( not happy JAN!) luckily it should buff out. not as bad as my bros car though the wind picked up a ladder and dented his front pas guard and chiped off a flake of paint about the size of a 20c piece.
yeah i'd like to hit harrys with ya. gota get a good detailing on the outside of the car. one of the old mans plastic cupboards fell on my hood due the wind ( not happy JAN!) luckily it should buff out. not as bad as my bros car though the wind picked up a ladder and dented his front pas guard and chiped off a flake of paint about the size of a 20c piece.
Hit up cbgsr, seen his detailing/polishing skills....he's on the southside.

Anyone else keen, its a pitty JDMST has their end of month cruises on a Monday...
mines out of action ..

doing a freshen up and a big shot or roids (no not NOS)

I have bought a new restuarant and now it sits in the shed waiting to be reassembled
I just don't have time to get in there.

I dont think the festiva is worthy of "cruising"
and whilst troy is out building his new restaurant, mine is on hold as I will need him to give me a hand with a bit of welding.