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so whats the go, have you guys (baz, sxygsr) used this stuff yet????
I really wana get some soon i hate this farken noise :evil: lol
Also been told there is similar stuff so i might just get that if nobody knows where to get it :roll:
no i've had no luck finding the stuff... the lifters have become better but not 100% at 4000rpm i can hear them, 5000 ^^^ they r noisy as ****!, i got a new set of lifters AGAIN! n they will be getting put in next week... cause i have a few ppl intrested in my motor!

so i'll let u know the result... i've done 5000kms with new lifters n they have not still shut up... so that means 1-16 of them r blocked... work said when i got the head mechined, i must have missed cleaning it all out properly! n a metal peice might be stuck in one of the lifters... but i think its just dirt...
you can buy it off the interweb, but you will probably need a credit card.

just do a quick google search, i got heaps of results for Proma MBL8
SXYGSR said:
i got new lifters in so my problem will be solved!

not Nessaceraly...

CLuTZ said:
I remember way back in the day at Ohlsen Developments in Onehunga, a guy got his lifters changed because they ticked so much.

2 weeks later, the new ones started ticking again!
Ive just bought some 'lucas' heavy duty stuff for my vr4 so ill let you know how that stuff go's. Ive been told its one of the Best for performance and quitening engine noise. Also says best in Aus or something like that as its designed for australian climate etc etc.
Cross your fingers i know i will be :roll:
Yea has improved the noise situation after a 15 minute drive so hopefully will get better in time. I recomend this stuff, i mean its only $17 and has definatly helped my engine with 204,000km.
You can get it from super cheap, Autobahn etc.
Fyfey said:
Ive just bought some 'lucas' heavy duty stuff for my vr4 so ill let you know how that stuff go's. Ive been told its one of the Best for performance and quitening engine noise. Also says best in Aus or something like that as its designed for australian climate etc etc.
Cross your fingers i know i will be :roll:

dont use it!!!! that stuff is crap!!!

its an oil THICKENING agent, its not good, no no no bad!!!

you guys, just listen... get PROMA!!!

mind you, if your motor has done 200 odd thousand kms, i guess you really dont care what goes in it, just as long as i shuts the lifters up while it screws your bigends ;)

btw, did you notice how thick and stringy the lucas junk is? you know what norma oil is like, its soooo not good for your engine.
Well from who i was reccomended it by 'mechanic' said it prolongs engine wear, quites engine and lubricants metal parts that otherwise wouldnt be with normal oil. The guy where i bought it from says it doesnt damadge the engine components although it thickens oil slightly but it is more the stuff in it that reduces friction yadayadayada. Worked for me so im happy! But yea it does have 200,000km on it so it should be running thicker oil anyways.
so i guess if you have a full on performance motor then do your research.

Goodluck with getting the proma guys.
Why not just get new 3g lifters guys.
Saves all the trouble of pouring all kinds of stuff into your motor.
Mine cost me $140 delivered to my door :)
260,000 on my motor and it is quiet as a mouse and perfectly happy!
Agree with me or not.
I did some oil analysis in my schooling last year and seen a few interesting things...

The best thing the proffesor bought up was this..

"if supplementary products were that good,why dont the oil companies themselves offer them"

Real world answer...they do..its in the oil..the oil youve already bought and put into your car,difference is its a researched blend.

The other things are usually a band aid...
and Yes.they will work..but at the expense of something else..the thicker an oil becomes..the less lubricating it does...following me.

Anyway..we did some breakdown tests on motor oil and penrite was by far the most interesting and highest performer.
It is extracted in pensylvania where the highest naturally occuring E.P agent exists...a naturally occuring substance doesnt break down.
Therefore it outperformed the others...by far
My motor still sounds like poo, i also have new 3g lifters now is anyone able to give me an insight of what i should be doing? and Baz and sxygsr how is you ticking? did you solve it? if so how?
Ill be sooo happy when this go's away :(
Please Help greatly appreciated.
I get my license in 1 month and i dont want it sounding like a tractor :roll:
Thanks guys
hey pplz, howz all the lifter issues going... well with my forged motor that is now sold, i never did find the cause of the lifter noise so i cant tell u what was wrong...

new story... got a new motor to put into the gsr to sell it... had the car with the new motor, 1 week later head gasket blows while its for sale... put a muti steel head gasket so it wont blow again, put it back together TICK TICK TICK... AGAIN! now with a different motor... this is the second time... least when i blew the head gasket, i got the car towed home right away... then fixed it... but now i have tappit noise again LOL...

ATM i have the lifters pulled out so r the rocker arms... When i am reinstalling the lifters what is the correct way to bleed them when i am putting them in...???
SXYGSR said:
ATM i have the lifters pulled out so r the rocker arms... When i am reinstalling the lifters what is the correct way to bleed them when i am putting them in...???

Now at work we installed a performance cam and heads onto a 351 clevland with Hydraulic lifters and roller rockers and crower said NOT to bleed them.

Lubricate but do not bleed otherwise they would act like solid lifters and not take up the lash properly and wreck the cam. They have to self bleed in.

Now im not too sure if this would be mitsus way of installing lifters but i would hazzard a guess that crower would know what they are on about too yeah?

Please feel free to shoot me down too :wink:
I guess it time for me to pull the lifters out again and have another fiddle :cry: Hopefully this will work :lol: