Tips on Hiding boost controller


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Boost controllers do not fit into the ADR's.

if you want to hide it in cabin, fit it in the centre arm wrest, or, in the drop down tray next to the steering wheel :)
dammm. ive had my battery moved to the boot. im just a lil convered about the police looking out for the t peice coming from the turbo to actuator. ill have a looksie :)
Any cop that has an idea just needs to understand to follow that line off the actuator. I had a cop once that said "i know there's a boost controller in there but i just can't find it" lol

Another good spot if your really keen would be among the drivers side tire area. If you look around you'll see what i mean. Good place to hide a catch can and stuff. Shhhh
Yeah adjustable boost controllers is a means of altering boost which also alters the amount of fuel and emissions the car makes, therefore they are considered illegal. The area as Shadow mentioned above is great if your actuator lines are on that side of the exhaust manifold. If you have your wastegate on the passenger side of the manifold, run a couple black vacuum lines immediately off it to under the radiator support panel and across the passenger headlight to a boost solenoid behind the passenger headlight, but under the aircon fuse box/relay unit (near power steering reservoir). If its all black its difficult to see if you mount it in the right spot. If you dont want it there, run the lines to behind the front indicator and mount it upside down on that flat section just behind the passenger headlight :)
This in an interesting topic, I would like to know what the difference is having long pipes going to the solenoid or even just a manual boost tap, does it matter? or are they really best kept as short as possible?
i have heard that a small peice or tube with a very small hole can be put inside the actual line from the turbo to wastegate, which would cause one contant boost presure though.
i dont know if this is true or how the hell a hole that small would be drilled.

there has the be some clever ways that people have hooke dup the boost controllers though.