Transport vehicle from Brisbane and compliance.


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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2011
Perth. WA.
Hi Guys,

Does anyone where to start getting a vehicle transport from the East to WA. Is there a transport company you guys can recommend and rough figure on the cost?

I would need to get the vehicle register in WA. I believe the vehicle need to go thru the pit to be rego and what difficulty would I encounter?

Also I think WA and Eastern states would have it own transfer form, do we "the buyer and seller" fill out the WA transfer form?

I just want to ensure things are done legally transferred thru the correct party. Please advise if i'm missing out something here.

Ring transport department to find out. I imagine you fill in the qld papers with the owner and then supply that papers when you rego it over here. Be aware it needs to have a pit inspection wher you transfer it to wa rego.

Transport, be prepared for a raping there. Maybe $1500 or more. Personally I would look at flying over and driving it back. If its unregoed, you can do it on 3 day permits.
If I decide it remain rego in QLD and having the vehicle driving WA would that be an issue.

Maybe I could keep paying qld rego and mailing address to WA each time it's due.
I got an RS cosworth delivered from Sydney to Perth by a car carrier called CEVA.

They were good, and the car was well looked after. This cost the shipper about $1100 with insurance, but you could go cheaper depending on the value of the car and amount of insurance.

The pits on the other hand was a ******* nightmare. If the car is modded, and you are young, I take great pitty on you and would advise against putting yourself through the ********. I was mid 30's with a replica RS500 cosworth and it cost me, they wouldn't even let slide a few mm of clearance on ride height. had to have child restraints check and all other manner of ********. And this is with me being nice and playing the game properly.
How long was that ago transporting with CEVA?

I got quoted $1689 from CEVA and costing nearly of half of the car itself.... its a CB GSR one of the 4g member is selling.

Here is a interesting find getting it license in WA without going thru the pits.

  • There is evidence that the vehicle is currently licensed in your name and has been for a continuous period of at least 12 months at the time of application (unless the vehicle is less than 12 months old).
    We will accept any of the following issued in your name, dated more that 12 months ago:
    vehicle licence or renewal document; both current and previous;
  • an offer to purchase, bill of sale or receipt;
  • an inspection receipt from a licensing authority or Approved Inspection Station; or
  • an original owner’s hand book or similar, issued with a factory new vehicle

I would have it rego in QLD for a year under my name then license the vehicle in WA after 12months. Look like doable...

Isnt it illegal to do NSW you only have a certain period of time to change rego over unless you really do live in another state?
It was 2011 with CEVA. Seems excessive amount extra from QLD depot to a NSW depot.

You have to prove you lived in QLD for a year as well.
The car has been sold to local in brassy. I think getting it thru the pits WA is the issue here. Been there many times :fuuuuu: