TRE Spool Install Questions (Who's opened up a g/box b4?)


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Gday maaaate
Apr 2, 2005
hey guys

anybody ever experienced this?

help with anypoints if u can, dont need to answer everything

i gave it a shot yesterday, but came across a few issues

1. pin that holds the fork is hard to get out
- what i did was used a punch to basically push the pin out in order for me to remove the fork holding 5th gear in, what had happened when i punched it was that it ended up chipping a tooth off the gear! (not enough room)

Question - are you meant to punch it towards the gear / away from the gear?
is there a special position u place the gear when doing this??

is there a special tool? i just used a straight punch

2. removing the 2 gears from the first cover, how do i do this?
i undid the nuts (36mm) and tried to lever the gears up with a screw driver and they started to chip!! damn brittle!.. anyway, im sure i have to use a gear puller, does anybody know what type to use? there are so many on the market these days.

is there one that doesn't need much room?

3. how do i get the ball bearing out of the rail (from removing the spring / nut)..
do i use a magnet?

4. installing the spool, i haven't gotten this far yet, but if anybody has any info to add, i'd appreciate it!..

I've contacted SBR, they gave me some good info
I've tried to contact JOHN from TRE but no reply as yet


In the TRE spool pack, i had a
1x billet spool
2x little spacers with hex key bolts in them (rectangle side and round side)
1x ball bearing
1x VCE retaining fitting (3 allen key bolts)
now my question with this is:

-do i need to adjust the spacers at all?
-do i need to loctite them??.
-and with the ball bearing, what is it for?
-also the retaining fitting, how do i install that? what is its purpose? just to hold that shaft in? since the VC isn't required anymore?

thanks guys
any help is appreciated!

heres a pic of the item.
