trouble fitting meek piping kit


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Sep 8, 2007
im having trouble getting a meek piping kit to fit onto my aspec vr4
i am running a jspec cooler

i cant get the pipe off the passenger side of the cooler to meet up with the pipe that goes to the jpipe.
it looks like i would need to cut it nearly in half to allow it to fit, but surely this can not be right.

i am using a 90 degree 2" to 2.5 reducer off the jspec end tank.

(see attached pics 1, 2 and 3)

my other problem is the other side
it also seems very tight and not fitting right.
do i need to run the pipe before or after the bracket in pic 4?
the piping also runs dangerously close to the arm off the gearbox when fully extended.

sorry for being such a noob iam trying to save some money and do it all myself after being very disapointed and ripped off
by a workshop.

i did have the kit fitted before but i was using a straight piece of silicone instead of the piping as when i initially fitted it we didnt have the 90 degree reducer.

any help appreciated.




Nate, can you get us some more pics please?
One of the drivers side of the engine bay with the piping in it and at least one of the passenger side looking down towards the front of the car where the pipe runs through the radiator support panel.
Nate, I suggest you pull off you intercooler and run the piping. This will identify where the cooler should be mounted. Most guys will incorrectly have the cooler mounted. The cooler should be slightly offset to the drivers side for the kit to work. Although this was only the case with 600mm long coolers.
also you should probably cut the sheet metal on the drivers side to feed the pipe through instead of going from below.
I also think your cool may require flipping (vertically) 180 degrees. The pic shows the inlet being up high. This should be low.
was the kit built for using the stock cooler? or aftermarket?
im sure the cooler is on the right way up
it was originally supplied and fitted by chris meek and they hooked it up to some jspec piping.
i have it set up like this:

i have added some more pics below of my troubles

it does seem to sit too high
but if i drop it down then i will not be able to use the mounting brackets on the lower ends of the cooler

you can see the excess i have at the moment with the pipe sticking out the bottom

also on the other side my piping has an extra join to the photo of the red anodized kit above.
if i push the firewall out of the way it has a bit more room but the big bracket with the hole in it is what in the way
can i cut this off??








That looks like a kit fir a 600 x 300 cooler Nate. At least the hot side does anyway.
I'd get in touch with meek and show them the photos so they can help get you the correct parts to make it fit correctly.
Nate, might be a sily question but have you checked you have the pipes the right way round?

To me it looks like you may have the hot side and cold side pipes that attach to the cooler mixed up.

It definately should not look like that. My home made piping out of a universal kit looked better than that!
Nate, might be a sily question but have you checked you have the pipes the right way round?

To me it looks like you may have the hot side and cold side pipes that attach to the cooler mixed up.

It definately should not look like that. My home made piping out of a universal kit looked better than that!

lol yeah it looks pretty wrong

i think i might have the drivers side piping on backwards

but i def. have the right piping on the passenger side.

ill have a good play with it on monday as i finally get a day off.

do you know if i can cut that bracket on the drivers side to give me more room?
Don't know about cutting it but my view would be why should you need to cut it as long as:

a) it is the correct kit fo rthe car / cooler

B) the pipes are the right way round.

Don't forget, these are replacement kits so should be a direct fit.

I'm no expert but if you want a second set of eyes to have a look at it, let me know I might be ok for saturday if that suits you..
Don't know about cutting it but my view would be why should you need to cut it as long as:

a) it is the correct kit fo rthe car / cooler

B) the pipes are the right way round.

Don't forget, these are replacement kits so should be a direct fit.

I'm no expert but if you want a second set of eyes to have a look at it, let me know I might be ok for saturday if that suits you..

thanks for the offer but im working all weekend.
ill get it to work on monday - fingers crossed ill be driving on tuesday.
The pipe on the drivers side of the cooler should go on the left hand side (when looking front on) of the tow hook, that's what the notch in the chassis is for. If it's not long enough to allow that, then as Tim said, maybe you have a kit to suit a 300 x 600 cooler.
Looks very very similar to my kit... suited to the bigger fmic...
Although, my coldside pipes are slightly different, it's only one peice from the left of the i/c to just below the BOV.


Hi mate, its Andy, i fitted this for you awhile back, i had the straight silicone hose there due to running a bigger fmic not the japspec, that plate/bracket you talk about is that the one near the radiator? The part where the pipe is hard to feed through? if it is i believe that is whats in your way and it can be unbolted from there, i also seen your drivers side pics and down below where it joins to the fmic doesnt look right, i had mine comeing on the outer side of the tow bracket that it sits next to, and i also had the piping mounted on that to not get any rattles