[TSV] T4G Welcome back Rick from IRAQ BBQ and cruise!


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Donating Member
Apr 21, 2005
Purpose: Welcome back Rick(V8H8A) from IRAQ.(possible T4G Christmas party that night too?)

Date:Sat 9th Dec 12pm (most likely rick and ryan will both be in town on the same day! Hard to get you both together at once :roll: )

Location: My place (you all know where it is) :wink:

Plan: 12pm meet at my place for BBQ lunch( I will supply the meat and bread and a few things) and possible LIGHT drinks.(BYO drinks please and maybe some salad and nibblies) 3pm cruise to LITTLE crystal creek for swim and some nice twisty roads :D

Afterwards: Looking for suggestions? Light refreshments and drinking at mine OR go out and have a night on the town? Taxis home of course :wink:

Suggestions accepted :D (keeping in mind that some of you might be having other things on and I cant keep everyone happy all the time)


Looking for names and numbers(partners most welcome! :D )
I will edit below:

1.3zercrowd+ Ruth yes
2.Youda+ yes
3.V8H8A+ yes
4.Josh+ yes
5.Turbo_charade yes
7.80ove ??
8.Jett NO
9.Lee NO
11.Daniel Penna??
12.BLKEVO4 yes
Yeah ill be coming along.. Ill try find some mole to bring in the mean time.. ha ha ha :D Let me no if you want any food or stuff bought around.. Do you have to drive on dirt to get to little crystal creek... if ya do count me out car is getting detailed that morning.. :eek:
BLK EVO4 said:
Yeah ill be coming along.. Ill try find some mole to bring in the mean time.. ha ha ha :D Let me no if you want any food or stuff bought around.. Do you have to drive on dirt to get to little crystal creek... if ya do count me out car is getting detailed that morning.. :eek:

No, no dirt :wink:

LOL MOLE!!! :lol:
make it to..

BLK EVO4 said:
.. Ill try find some mole to bring in the mean time.. ha ha ha :D

make it 2 moles Ryan.... im back slutten around ( i mean Looking) again...lol

will see every one there..

will be a Drunken ooops i mean good day..
v8h8a Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:07 pm Post subject: make it to..


BLK EVO4 wrote:
.. Ill try find some mole to bring in the mean time.. ha ha ha

make it 2 moles Ryan.... im back slutten around ( i mean Looking) again...lol
Will be trying for sure ha ha ha :eek: :eek:
lol slutten around too funny.. nice one
Bump guys im buying meat on Sat morning and i need numbers :)

This is going ahead with or without you.
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