The [TSV] T4G members "crash the V8 V's WRX party threa


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Ready to race! (Again)

Do you think that the numbers will be a little down cause of the car show at the show grounds on the same weekend?
Only 1 week to go now!!!!!!!!!

Cant wait, ever since i fixed my wastegate (And i thought it was quick B4)& now I'm running a few more pounds of boost (15psi).
I'm hopping for a Very high 12, even if i get a 12.99 I'll be over the moon.
Arh, good stuff!!!
How's it running with the new ECU?

Are we going to meet up at your place again B4 we head off?
Yeah you can all meet up at my place before we leave for some pics! :wink:

WHO else is coming?
Ok there is a few thing you need to know B4 we head off there.

The gates open @ 3pm for WRX's & V8's, they run whats called Bracket racing where you dial in a time you think your car will run & with out going faster than that time and you win the race (cross the finish line 1st) then you move into the next round, you have 3 pass's to do this. (As well as qualifying sesion so you know what time your car will run) that starts at 3pm. There is also another bracket class if you dont have either WRX/V8, same deal is with this open class. Cost is $35

And if you just want to run (ie:us EVO's GSR's) like a normal street-meet And you can run as many times as you like, be there at 6pm and the cost is $22
I'm not sure on just how they are going to run the event on the night.

I also have a press pass, with another camera person that will be taking pic's & Recording footage at the start line.
So after the event I can send you out some good shots of your car launching & Smoking up ALL 4's!!!! :lol: (Cept Graeme j/k :lol: )

Here are a few samples i took at our Drag day we held a while ago.
I Hope that the patchy rain goes B4 the drags this Satnight.
Also wont be as cool with all the cloud cover.
On the way out to work at 6am it was 17deg, Car went very well.

But i still think that they still shoud run the meeting vs V8's if it's pissing down for some reason. *Cough AWD* :lol:

PS: Oh yeah ALL Cars must have street redgo, so nun of this arriving on the back of a trailer Tubd business. 8)
Meet at my place at or about 2pm for photos(day time this time) and stuff?

If we bracket race Lee can we still race in the night time too?

Cooler weather :wink:
I'm really not keen to get there at 3
I think I'll turn up at night time for the regular drag thing
I'm with Rob on this one, not keen to race for that early, I'm just going to the reg Street meet & race at night.
Every one will also be racing too in the other classes.
If you do race in the bracket class (ours will be in the open class), you only have a min of 3 runs (for $35), but have the chance to win. (Not sure what you win) But if you get knocked out....either lose the race OR you break-out (run faster than the nominated time) you will be out.
This way i'm turn up there at 6pm & race till 10 and do as many runs as i want with no chance of getting knocked out. :)

I have also filled my intercooler water spray with 100% metho (VERY Fast evaporation) so no dripping on track and not to mention getting the intercooler to 4-5 deg !!!. (Only spray it when your in the top gears guys) & i have put heat wrap on my exhaust & my intercooler pipes to keep them cool and to aviod heat soak.
I was even looking into making up a container to fit around my return intercooler pipe so i can fill it up with DRY ice, but it's a bit much to get done in the time i have.
But i'm looking forward to racing tomorrow. :lol:
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