Turbo Compressor Wheel Identification


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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2010
Wollongong, NSW
Hey guys,

I am after some advice. I recently got a "high flowed" Evo 1 turbo. When I compared it to an Evo 2 turbo (TD05H-16G) I had laying around I noticed quite a substantial number of differences. Here is what I know about the Evo 1 turbo: It was built by ATP in Moorabbin Vic about 10 years ago and cost around $1800. The exhaust wheel has been clipped (not sure of degrees), the compressor wheel has been upgraded to a Garrett wheel or as Kyp from ATP refers to it, a Sierra Wheel. The most notable difference is the "Sierra Wheel" has 7+7 fins not 6+6 like the standard MHI compressor wheels. In size, the Sierra wheel is very close to that of a 20G (52.5/68).
Some measurements for comp wheel comparison:
TD05H-16G Sierra Wheel
Inducer: 48 mm 52 mm
Exducer: 68 mm 69 mm
Tip Height: 4.18 mm 4.5 mm
Total Height: 31.50 mm 32 mm
Bore: 6.5 mm 6.5 mm
Trim: 50.45 56.79
Weight: 63g 70g
Numbers on comp wheel: D L A 2 ^4 L A 287 I

The compressor housings are also quite different. However the housing numbers look the same except for the numbers being 49178-01450(Sierra)/01460 - 16G. The font in which the serial number is printed on both housings is different, the Sierra one is larger and more clear than the Evo 2.
16G Sierra
Inner diameter: 49 mm 54.5 mm
Outer diameter: 56 mm 58 mm

The exhaust housings are also vastly different in terms of appearance however all the bores are exactly the same in size. The Sierra exhaust housing looks more sturdy and is significantly heavier (4140g) compared to the standard (3000g). The numbers on the housings also varied - 78-10700 (S)/78-13700 (16G).

The compressor wheel sustained some damage and I was after a replacement but I cannot find a Garrett part number for a compressor wheel of similar specs and when I do they are 6+6 not 7+7. Has anyone ever heard of this modification or seen anything like this? The Sierra exhaust housing has cracks running throughout it and is pretty much ruined. The previous owner raved about the turbo when it was working and I wish to restore it to its former glory. Kyp from ATP doesn't want to divulge any more information about the turbo and wants me to send it in to be rebuilt for $450 not including the compressor wheel, just a service. I have since rebuilt the cartridge but the compressor wheel damage is upsetting me.
Here is a link to some comparison pictures http://s1143.photobucket.com/user/Vonapets1/library/Turbo

If anyone can help me identify the compressor wheel/exhaust housing it would be much appreciated.

EDIT: What I have found is that Garrett # 410299-0004 on turbo international has a picture of a 7+7 fin compressor wheel and no dimensions. On another site that part number comes up as a 6+6 fin wheel?

For reasons I cant understand, when you click on the link it takes you to a webpage which says "Error". When you reload the page or press enter in the address bar it comes up with the pictures. If you have this problem just try to reload the page.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
49178-01450 = EVO1 compressor housing
78-10700 = would be EVO1, I know its different compared to EVO2/3

As for the comp wheel?? no idea
You can get a replacement compressor wheel to suit your application from someone like Kando Dynamics and have it fitted/balanced to the CHRA. Considering this turbo was built '10 years ago' the current wheels would be as good, if not better than the ATP special.
I have one of these turbos on my GSR that was rebuilt around 5 years ago and they are pretty damn good. On 21psi it's powered my GSR to a 12.33@114mph. I contacted ATP recently to find out exactly what the specs were and he wouldn't tell me ****. Kinda pissed me off actually. All I know is that he calls them "Sierra Style" exhaust wheels.

If I were you i'd upgrade the cracked 7cm (.49 A/R) exhaust housing to a Forced Performance 8cm (.57 A/R) housing.