*Unquestionably NWS* Funny pics/vids/avartar thread 56K!! *NWS*


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latest edition of MAXIM in the Philippines... i think i want a copy...:w00t:

ah yeah now i remember

its ok in this thread (well not really - but it can be let slide) because its got the NWS on the thread title.

if people have questionable material as avatars theres no warning as to where its going to pop up - and for those of us browsing the forum at work - its just not cool!
to4garret said:
a pair of titties for the first person to guess what engine this is ;)
It might have been harder to guess if the file name of the pic wasnt called '6G72DETT' :lol: Those titties came too easy! :thumbsup:
EVO-00X said:
It might have been harder to guess if the file name of the pic wasnt called '6G72DETT' :lol: Those titties came too easy! :thumbsup:

knew i should re-hosted before i posted.

i'll make it less obvious next time :thumbsup:
Hrmmm... Unsure what that guy on youtube did. But, its the people making those comments that drive people to take out a school, or kill themselves.. then again, this appears to be in the US of course, so its nothing new to them.
I think he may have been on a post rampage tellin everyone that his car is better... coz theres a few posts stating that he doesnt have a car so yeh