Here's an interesting read up on using copper spray on your multi layer steel headgaskets (i.e. Cometics). Some old school methods still rock on...
After reading the 2 pages I can honestly say that MLS headgasket or not, contrary to recent industry practice, a light even coat of Copper/Hylomar Spray on both sides of the HG seems to be working without failure for a lot of DSM'ers
Who here is running a Cometic without any kind of spray? and who here is using spray? Any failures? Let's do a poll... Remember, this is for headgasket failure only... if your headstuds stretched etc then thats not the headgasket's fault :lol:
After reading the 2 pages I can honestly say that MLS headgasket or not, contrary to recent industry practice, a light even coat of Copper/Hylomar Spray on both sides of the HG seems to be working without failure for a lot of DSM'ers
Who here is running a Cometic without any kind of spray? and who here is using spray? Any failures? Let's do a poll... Remember, this is for headgasket failure only... if your headstuds stretched etc then thats not the headgasket's fault :lol: