Vague Idle Issue


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It's a bit of both.

They throb for a bit, then it sounds like it's misfiring a bit, then it throbs, then it misfires, then it throbs etc. It's kind of random.

It totally ****** my vacuum at idle, it's gone from -21psi to -13psi now. But.. all in the name of the EPIC EPIC EPIC noise. Omg, I actually sat behind my car for like 6 minutes this arvo just listening to my exhaust. Heaven. </tear>

Oh and, your car will occasionally stall when you get off the gas. I have my idle set lowlowlow. They say you should set your idle to like 950 w/272's but I set it to 750. It lopes more. Stalls occasionally, but I'm used to it now and can compensate.

I find when im stopping and im either, gently down shifting, or just slot it out of gear it may almost want to stall, but i jus make a habbit of a slight heel and toe of the throttle to prevent it.

If it stalls coming up to a corner with no power steering and no boosted brakes would suck!
Im keen to see a pic of the bracket now, I dont think mine has one and mine hunts when its cold

congrates on the fix Lorrie
Will take a pic right now trav.

And yeah milk, I just ride the gear all the way down to 1000rpm then clutch in and it doesn't stall. Just a slight adjustment to driving style (probably better for the car anyway rather than riding the brakes into a halt). I'm used to driving cars without brake boosters so when it stalls I just use my right foot a bit harder on the pedal.
I bet your throttle body gasket is cactus now aswell!
It sort of sounds like what Megans VR4 does. I'm putting her fault down to the fact her loom is missing the idle stop earth wire, so the ECU has no idea when the throttle is closed.
Hers will idle at 1200 (i've adjusted the throttle open and wound out the air screw a bit) all the time but maybe 5 times a day revs die and stalls.
Jonson said:
I bet your throttle body gasket is caetus now aswell!
It sort of sounds like what Megans VR4 does. I'm putting her fault down to the fact her loom is missing the idle stop earth wire, so the ECU has no idea when the throttle is closed.
Hers will idle at 1200 (i've adjusted the throttle open and wound out the air screw a bit) all the time but maybe 5 times a day revs die and stalls.
Exact same problem i had. But my car would idle up and down from 700-1200, but thats with cams. Wanted to stall aswell.
I still had the bracket other wise i was going to just buy some wiring lugs to fit around the bolt and connect an earth wire from the throttle body elbow, to the same earth point on the fire wall as the wire coming off the intake manifold.

Or link the throttle body elbow to the throttle body with wire like the bracket does.
Yeah jon. Next step is two new gaskets (I'll make them myself, easier), pull the entire TB apart and reco it (new seals, clean everything etc) and replace the idle stop switch completely and rewire it back to the loom. I'm pretty sure the plug's ******.

Going to start with gaskets and the rewire first, see if I can't save myself a lot of hassle.

Also found out today it's really important apparently to clean the swing arm of the throttle where it contacts the idle stop switch. Somehow voltage travels through it. NFI how.
Also keep in mind, the tb shaft seals are known to leak at the current age of 20 years.. lol

Do a book leak test to confirm
I'm just gonna pull it off and send it to get reco'ed barry. Or rather, I'm going to source another one, and send THAT off to get reco'ed then swap them.
Seal part no. - DIM-010013-027 through A & B seals here in QLD.
$4.06 each
Ph: (07) 3341 1200
Yeah mate it's the throttle plate shaft seal. You need two of them per throttle body.
MDK87 said:
Seal part no. - DIM-010013-027 through A & B seals here in QLD.
$4.06 each
Ph: (07) 3341 1200

meek also sell them for a similar price. AFAIK they are the genuine ones.
omad said:
meek also sell them for a similar price. AFAIK they are the genuine ones.

Fair enough Damo, someone just told me that Meek sold them for $20 or so thats all and I couldn't find it on their website. I needed them on NYE and these guys came to the rescue.
Are you supposed to lube them at all?
I just used some silicon spray...
MDK87 said:
Fair enough Damo, someone just told me that Meek sold them for $20 or so thats all and I couldn't find it on their website. I needed them on NYE and these guys came to the rescue.
Are you supposed to lube them at all?
I just used some silicon spray...

I think it's called rubber grease? Same stuff you use on brake parts.

Yeah, I know Meek don't have it on the site but thought I'd call and ask anyway and they had them =P