Vanellis Pizzeria & Ice Creamery Alexandra Hills Friday 9th July 6.30ish 7ish


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Hmm okay so am i to book a table or just wing it? That time of night you should be right to get a table anyway ;)
well i am definately going,say 7:30.I hope others are coming as its not fun to book a table for who else?
Hope you guys are having a good time.
I forgot about this.... :|
Kinda feel like a duntz for that.
Carl reminded me just now. I've got work tomorrow, but I'd be keen to blow the cobwebs out of my little 4G61 if you guys are gonna go for a cruise afterwards??

I'll text Jerome. ;)
The pizza was really good well worth the drive definitely have to organise another meet at this place plenty of parking for the crew.

Was good to meet Trent and talk cars (that mad ass MG)

Thanks LJ hopefully next time well get a few more people come out for it.
Glad you guys enjoyed the food! With the flat out night we had in a way im glad there were not so many of you:p My feet are killing me lol. Oh well will be there again saturday and sunday night from 4-9 so if anyones in the area pop in and say hi :D

Jerome ya car is looking pretty smick ya lucky ya bro done such a good job :p

Trent will be good to catch up next time i will bring my kids if you bring yours :D

Cheers Guys

MDK87 said:
Hope you guys are having a good time.
I forgot about this.... :|
Kinda feel like a duntz for that.
Carl reminded me just now. I've got work tomorrow, but I'd be keen to blow the cobwebs out of my little 4G61 if you guys are gonna go for a cruise afterwards??

I'll text Jerome. ;)

Changed my number now Mo lol didnt go for a cruise or anything maybe if there had been a few more of time

Saw the emails you sent Carl...howd you meet the gate ??? haha
unlucky, mustve looked pretty tidy before hand
still love to come check out your collection sometime
have to put that on the to do list !!!

killa said:
The pizza was really good well worth the drive definitely have to organise another meet at this place plenty of parking for the crew.

Was good to meet Trent and talk cars (that mad ass MG)

Thanks LJ hopefully next time well get a few more people come out for it.

Was really good pizza LJ have to do it again sometime soon
as carl said theres plenty of parking and its kinda neutral for North and South siders
so hopefully we can organise a meet on a saturday or sunday or something and get a few numbers and make a day/cruise of it

Was great to meet you Trent defenitly sounds like youve been there and done that in regards to modifying cars and doing the forum thing...that MG sounds like a weapon alright and was good to see an eterna again...havnt seen one since i left NZ
Hope we can make this a regular thing.


Mrs_LJ_GSR said:
Glad you guys enjoyed the food! With the flat out night we had in a way im glad there were not so many of you:p My feet are killing me lol. Oh well will be there again saturday and sunday night from 4-9 so if anyones in the area pop in and say hi :D

Jerome ya car is looking pretty smick ya lucky ya bro done such a good job :p

Trent will be good to catch up next time i will bring my kids if you bring yours :D

Cheers Guys


Its a nice place and the food was great... be back for sure LJ ( get that interior in would ya so u can drive the gsr again )
Yea defenitly lucky Carl is so good at what he does...i had the vision and he made it happen ( i thought about it and he did all the work ) :p your a good man slick
hope other 4gtuner members take advantage of his talents too !!! hes a perfectionist and doesnt want to rip anyone off like most panel/paint shops what more could u want
i wouldnt trust anyone else with my car

thanks again Trent and Lj more the merrier next time !!!
That was was a great night and good to put a few faces to names.I love the mods and paintjob on jeromes vr4.That paintjob was fantastic quality and the evo6 bonnet scoops will look awesome when they are finished.

Thanks for being a gracious host LJ, told my kids about your kids "sand bomb" story,they laughed but promised not to do my kids let me sleep in till 5:30am....yay!

Vanellis has great food and qouted before,the carparking is fine and the drive not bad,only just under an hour from lawnton on gateway.

I will definately have to pull my finger out and get the MG finished now.
turbovr4 said:
That was was a great night and good to put a few faces to names.I love the mods and paintjob on jeromes vr4.That paintjob was fantastic quality and the evo6 bonnet scoops will look awesome when they are finished.

thanks trent appreciate it im sure carl will too

347-dis said:
any pics of the cruise

no pics man didnt go for a cruise just food and a chat was only my car and trents zr4