{VIC} 12th Feb Cruise & BBQ [20+ PPL so far who else!!!]


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noobatron said:
Hey guys,

Extremely new to the forums here, this is actually my first post! Just recently (3 days ago) puchased a TME and still getting used to it.

Will i be able to come on the cruise as well? I'm not sure if i can keep up with all you guys out there in the tricky bits (haven't done a twisty at all) as it's gonna be my first time so i wanna be a lil more cautious (read slow :oops: ) will that be a problem?

I live near the springy area as well so a pre-meet would be awesome!

Noobie, welcome mate. If you bought the TME from GTA on spencer st, its most likely URMAMA's old car.

Your more than welcome to cruise with us- the more the merrier! I'll be taking things slow up the hill so you can roll with me :)

The actual meet spot isnt far from springvale but if you want to sit at the Mc **** on the corner of marrondah hwy and springvale road, you'll see a few of us west and city guys rolling past around 10am.

Once again, welcome

enjoy your stay,

Yup I brought Stanly's beast from GTA 8)

This should be awesome! can't wait for till next sunday now. I'll be sure to have my driving skills brushed up.

Is it strictly 4G only as a mate of mine has a S1580 (180 with S15 front) that would be pretty keen on coming along. If not then it's kool, he'll just have ride with me and we'll show him how REAL CARS drive :twisted:

I'll see if i can meet up with some of the guys down here as i don't really know my way around up to AFAS yet.

With UHF radios, are they like the walky talky ones i can buy at dick smiths or something? does is have to be a certain brand?

cheers guys
it'll be sad to see my baby wit some other guy, but i guess i have to get over it :cry:

i' ll see you on sunday if you coming , buy the way welcome to the evo family
i should be coming along too, provided my gearbox and other random things dont give me any more problems
tharaka said:
provided my gearbox and other random things dont give me any more problems

i know the feeling....... im in the same boat :(

noobatron said:
With UHF radios, are they like the walky talky ones i can buy at dick smiths or something?

yeop :wink:
I'm going to the Good Vibrations festival...

So I have the day off, wont be cruising, but going to come to the pre-meet if time permitts....... Like to turn up in the Sigma but having trouble with the RWC.....

it'll be sad to see my baby wit some other guy, but i guess i have to get over it Crying or Very sad

lol, that seriously sounds farked.... like u just broke up with the car and now she's moved on.. lol

so springy pre-meet then?
and cruise to afas together?

i know the way so u guys can follow the AMG's fat ass
URMAMA_6.5 said:
it'll be sad to see my baby wit some other guy, but i guess i have to get over it :cry:

i' ll see you on sunday if you coming , buy the way welcome to the evo family

LOL yeah that sounds funny BUT i think i would feel the same!
kinda like been at the same party while ya ex is there with another man
Darren from AFAS

24 people! Looking forward to this one! Everyone who has said they are coming better show up....... :twisted:
I make the effort to make a trip from SA.... and no love...

oh well.
just found out uni starts 13th for me O_O..
i should still be able to make it, but will probaly catch a ride with someone as my front bar isn't secure..
olly said:
just found out uni starts 13th for me O_O..
i should still be able to make it, but will probaly catch a ride with someone as my front bar isn't secure..

duct tape and cable ties are your friend :)
Im in....

Cant drive though as my car is almost dead....

I can get to the Mc Chucks on Maroondah / Springy at 10:00am if someone could give me a ride...

So we're pre-meeting at Bunnings Warehouse on Princes hwy, the one close to passion for pets or the one further towards dandenong?

gotta go puchase my UHF soon :p

Hope no one laughs at me when i stall :oops:
hey guys,

ill come down for the meet at AFAS, cant cruise thou got no car :cry: bit hard to keep up wit the crew in a slugish AUDI. I'll have as car by the next meet thou :p
ey baz mate do you live near bunnings ? if so we live in the same street =] i always see ya AMG parked at the end of the street near the round about with the evo 2
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