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have a good day guys, i am stuck at work so you all better take a heap of pics and movies. looks like a great day for it. Have fun. :cry:
mad cruise today !!!!! had alot of fun in the twisties.....i saw that biker come off his bike in the corner that was bad! but hes ok......and jstyle nearly got his head punched in by a dyke on a bike!!!!! :lol: :lol: *** me that was funny! hahahahaha.........hey lefty...was that u in that red gsr?
Yellowgsr said:
mad cruise today !!!!! had alot of fun in the twisties.....i saw that biker come off his bike in the corner that was bad! but hes ok......and jstyle nearly got his head punched in by a dyke on a bike!!!!! :lol: :lol: *** me that was funny! hahahahaha.........hey lefty...was that u in that red gsr?

yeah i couldnt believe that biker come off... oh wells... bring on the photo's i forgot to bring camera :(
Yea that was me in my red car :)
It was 2.30 and I decided to drive after a disappointing football game :S

Yea i saw that biker fallen off too, there was a car stopped there too.

I think it was a chick? but she looked ok, was just lieing down and looked up at me when i drove past. Least she didnt fall off the cliff.

I kept driving, and about 15mins i saw an ambulance and thought it was for that biker.

Although i was stuck behind this granny, fark me, lucky u guys didnt go through when she was there (or maybe u did), but she was in the middle/wrong side of the road going 20kms/h the entire way just before a bend! Thing is, I couldnt even overtake because she sat in the middle of the road. About 15 minutes afterwards she just stopped and let me pass.
get some photos up you bunch of homos! :p

sorry i couldn't make it, i had to work! :(

jonny, what happened with you and the licker?

what happened with the biker? he didn't come around a blind corner on the wrong side of the road did he? ...because bikers never do that on the spurs :?
sounds like a fun cruise

i had the choice i could of come but my brake pads are gone and need new ones ASAP so stayed home trying not to drive :S
awsome cruise guys, but no fair every one turbo but me!!!!!! still fun though keep up with your ***** in the twisties! lol fun fun should do it again.....

hahaha yer Dyk on a Bike funny sheit lol.... then seing them all in front of where we were buyin food made it more funny ...... ahahah .....

all in all great day guys!!! oh and girls!!...
good meet guys

a mate from the swift club gave me a call and informed me that u guys were inside eating food or something as they were outside...

i have some pics but the sun made it a little hard to see...

whens the next one?!??!?!
hey how much fuel do peoples go through today??? i still have half a tank left!!!!!
$25 220km.. i lead thru about 50% of the twisties...hehehe i love my gsr..

the bikey chic well.. it wasnt my fault she was being a tool thru the spur.. she complained and freaked out (cos she was flogging the bike) when i slowed down the back to let the slower cars get some km's ahead so we can have some fun thru the spur..

we had 4 sections thru the spur and its the best run ive had during the day thru that strip of road by far!

oh yer Jayrome.. big thanks man!!! for your help.

320km $30 (home> twisties> clayton> home) and keeping it at 6-8k rpm through twisties

Jon bro no probs, i'm fairly sure anyone else on here would help if they could, i just seem to have parts lying around in my boot lol....... as long as it got ya ass home its cools....