[VIC] - Dyno Day (Sept 10th 2005)


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bazeng said:
did u win anything at all?

na, it wasnt that formal, perhaps there was a 4cyl title but im pretty sure that figure would have been beaten by one of the RWD cars, gunna have to wait until the rest of the figures are posted up to find out :wink:
Great stuff Dre! PROUD! :)

No go for me, after using Barry's intake leak tester a few things were identified including IC plumbing which is less than adequate and a leak near my manifold, hence my rough idle!

Plans in motion to sort already!


Ive emailed for the results, hopefully the vids wont be long, I hope they dont get barry to do it........ :wink: :wink:
Okay, some poobie has rained on my parade, after I left some ****** boxer powered hunk of **** got over 200kw :oops: :oops:

o well, i was dyno king for an hour or so :p lol

nevermind, next time they wont be so lucky!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:
bazeng said:
whats your next goal dre?

You'll see baz :wink:

I agree Dre your car did very well .. congrats!
I wanted to see the Subaru workers face when they saw the "DIESTI" plates but I missed it ... bummer :)

You received the DVD?
beefy said:
I agree Dre your car did very well .. congrats!
I wanted to see the Subaru workers face when they saw the "DIESTI" plates but I missed it ... bummer :)

You received the DVD?

Yep, thats how I pulled this vid off it.

I should post the vid of the 01 WRX with a mega 107kw atw. :lol:

Next time she'll be way over 200.

next time.